Now now, what's gone on, I thought we were all one big happy family, disfunctional, deranged, gun toting , moonshine drinking, special uncle avoiding, 4x4 breaking, ****ed up type of family but happy all the same. :)
So you have been to my latest bash then, Brother!?
Oh I don't know, my memory is faded but I'll try......firmly folded arms, an exaggerated pout and mincing quick-step to outer reaches of the playground because I challenged it,
nope sorry, no idea really:confused:

I'm not duly concerned though, the janny will no doubt take her down to the boiler-room to warm her up........................
@gold rover, It's funny you say that, I can tell you a funny story about my pink dress , complete within sash and bow, that I wore on a special night out.. the evening got a little rowdy and my dress was ruined, ripped and blood stained and I tossed it aside in my bedroom and forget about it. My sister in law used to clean my house for me and when I saw her next she rather worriedly mentioned the dress which I found highly amusing and just said don't worry it's mine ...I could see she was relieved I wasn't a murderer / rapist, on that occasion, but still seemed confused about something ...women eh:confused::rolleyes:
I missed the acquisition of the 110 300tdi.
how do you find it?
fancy one myself.
Blimey live under a rock, had it since LAST November!!!

It is a great vehicle, It was to replace the girlfriends 90 Truck Cab which was woefully impractical...but great fun.

Then, she found it a little uncomfortable to drive (it has P38 Leather Interior) I drove it for a few months and she had the L322......then she had a hankering for a Defender again and I missed my beloved Range I made some adjustments to the seat which meant her short legs could reach the pedals easier and now I can't prise it from her fingers....she loves it.
@gold rover, It's funny you say that, I can tell you a funny story about my pink dress , complete within sash and bow, that I wore on a special night out.. the evening got a little rowdy and my dress was ruined, ripped and blood stained and I tossed it aside in my bedroom and forget about it. My sister in law used to clean my house for me and when I saw her next she rather worriedly mentioned the dress which I found highly amusing and just said don't worry it's mine ...I could see she was relieved I wasn't a murderer / rapist, on that occasion, but still seemed confused about something ...women eh:confused::rolleyes:
Sounds like exactly what should happen to a pink dress and bow. I had a pink dress, with sailor type collar, wish it had been used to clean up. Would have saved me the trauma of wearing it. Worst part is..... I chose it!

Oops reread that, she found it when cleaning, not used it to clean.
Oh I don't know, my memory is faded but I'll try......firmly folded arms, an exaggerated pout and mincing quick-step to outer reaches of the playground because I challenged it,
nope sorry, no idea really:confused:

I'm not duly concerned though, the janny will no doubt take her down to the boiler-room to warm her up........................
To be fair you can be slightly unconventional in your approach , one of your first posts to me was something about some very liberally minded goats you had up for rent or something like that , from that moment on I knew I had met somebody who was in more need of diagnostics than a recently submerged L322 :D
Sounds like exactly what should happen to a pink dress and bow. I had a pink dress, with sailor type collar, wish it had been used to clean up. Would have saved me the trauma of wearing it. Worst part is..... I chose it!

Oops reread that, she found it when cleaning, not used it to clean.
Haha, I chose my dress , it was a silly rig run ashore for one of the my mates stag nights and we raided a local jumble sale, it only cost me 75p so I wasn't too concerned:)
Haha, I chose my dress , it was a silly rig run ashore for one of the my mates stag nights and we raided a local jumble sale, it only cost me 75p so I wasn't too concerned:)

That explains your misthought dress sense. Just makes my choice seem worse :( Bought it for my 21st and was never seen again after that night. Thank God . Hopefully there are no photos of it, or more worryingly me in it !
To be fair you can be slightly unconventional in your approach , one of your first posts to me was something about some very liberally minded goats you had up for rent or something like that , from that moment on I knew I had met somebody who was in more need of diagnostics than a recently submerged L322 :D

hahah, Gary the goat and Kevin the cnut, hilarious, and if memory serves it was something humorous from your good self along those lines that led to me bettering your effort, whatever it was. All good fun, if you choose to interpret it another way then by all means, knock yourself out, I'm totally cool.:cool::)

re. first conversation...was it not I who suggested making an MOT style jack to use on your wooden ramps way back when you embarked on your gearbox out to fix the leak job, up here for thinking down there for they say in, er, thinking and dancing circles, ...I presumeo_O;)
That would be a lot less worrying than me ever wearing a pink, sailor collar, high elasticated waist, flared skirt , dress, again. Oh with pink stockings and shoes!
Well it's funny you should mention pink stockings and ill fitting shoes, there was this time that I was ..... maybe save that one:)
Blimey live under a rock, had it since LAST November!!!

It is a great vehicle, It was to replace the girlfriends 90 Truck Cab which was woefully impractical...but great fun.

Then, she found it a little uncomfortable to drive (it has P38 Leather Interior) I drove it for a few months and she had the L322......then she had a hankering for a Defender again and I missed my beloved Range I made some adjustments to the seat which meant her short legs could reach the pedals easier and now I can't prise it from her fingers....she loves it.
Oh wow.... Last November!!!
really love the 110....the ulimate family vehicle.....
you will not be selling that one for a very long time...

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