
New Member
Sadly due to a vast change in my life in the last day I now have to sell my landrover
Tax and tested until October
has oil leak underneath (its a landy)
has a dent in wing where i was nudging a mate out of a hole





goes on ebay thursday

Based in helensburgh, scotland
y is it when ya got money in ya pocket theres either none for sale or there too far away :( ide have had this off ya just sold my snatch but its just too far for me,someone closer should rip ya arm off
Got my p38 on eBay at the mo...

If mine sells, and you've still got this (which I very much doubt) I'll have it.
Im a good 2 hours from Newcastle.
Im looking at a Disco in the morning but if its no good I will see what I can do.
Bargain! Shame I don't have the cash. Good luck with the sale. I'm sure someone will have it off ya soon.

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