I bought my Disco on the 26th of June, the previous owner posted his part of the log book away a few days after that, he emailed me yesterday to say he had received a letter from DVLA asking him to confirm that ownership of the vehicle had passed from him to me:confused: :confused: I've never heard of the DVLA doing this before, in fact the only thing I can think of is, when I brought the Disco up the road from Kings Lynn I hit 120mph on the M6 Toll and it's got me wondering if I was nabbed by PC Plod with one of those cameras and DVLA are doing the leg work to find out who the speeding ticket should be sent too?? any other suggestions?
I've had that before - it's an anti fraud measure, just to check that someone hasn't nicked the car and logbook and sent it off to transfer the ownership.
Nah, it was when you were speeding in Scotland that we are going to nail you for, it's a good picture!;):D
If PC Plod had caught me that day (27th/28th June) would I have heard about it before now?

Usually get notified within 14 days, so no guarantees but if you haven't heard by now,probably got away with it this time, but really shouldn't be doing that speed now should you:(
I take it your a plod then?

I couldn't help it, new car an all, I was doing it before I even realised it.....

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