I take it your a plod then?

I couldn't help it, new car an all, I was doing it before I even realised it.....

The giveaway is in the name and piccy;):D

It happens,new car, see what she'll do, look in mirrors, bugger, blue lights!

Never mind, I'm sure you'll behave from now on, got a few mates in Grampian Polis:eek:
Hmmm, let me see, bought car on 26th, traveled North using M6 Toll,
"Nah, 1999 (V Reg) 4 litre V8 converted to LPG :D"

Won't take long to find using ANPR.....

Be afraid, very afraid:eek:
Its what's known as lets **** about with someone else's post as an attempt at humour.
**** my sides hurt from laughing so much......NOT!

Take a day off....I'm on 3 weeks leave.

Career grabbin ****........at least I have one and get paid a lot for doing it!

Tweets, It doesn't matter to me if you are known or not as I'm sure you realise, not my patch,and you can't be that bad cos you've got a Land Rover;) :rolleyes:
anyone else think bluestrobe is a 14 year who has had dreams of being in the RAF and watches that police stop action thing on ITV Channel 298

having known far to many proper traffic plod in me time i dunt think any of them would be virtually boasting on a forum such as this - am sure they'd have their own much fancier forum fer such matters

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