Mad hat man. More like t**t man. Get off my thread if you are not interested or being helpful.

I could have sworn he linked a thread on how to fit one. Take a look around at how the forum works before spouting off. If you go into a rock concert you wouldn't expect them to be dancing to ballet would you? Chill out, Quit spitting your dummy out and stop getting wound up. The peeps on this forum may take the mickey out of you but they will also be at the front of the queue to help when you really are in the s**t.

if there was ever a need for me to contact anyone for assistance it would not be someone who called me an imbecile without knowing anything about me. i joined this forum with a genuine question and so far have had nothing but p*** taking and abuse. I have owned and worked on Land Rovers for over 20 years and have never needed the assistance of anyone before. Why would i worry about upsetting someone who is obviously so far up his own arse that he could clean the back of his teeth?
I know how a turbo works, and what a dump valve is for, i was purchased it as a present from a family member and as it does no harm then there is no foul if i fit it.
get over yourselves and thanks for nothing.

If you look around this forum you will find that it is full of p*** taking and banter. It is the way the forum works. Rather than changing the forum to what you want why don't you try doing as everybody else does and fit in with the forum?

if you read my post i stated i know it does nothing. it is a fancy. i am sure you have fitted things to yours that are of no real use. i know enough to be dangerous, not enough to open a garage. how dare i enter your exclusive world and offend you all with such a trivial and obviously stupid question.
anyway. it is my choice, my landy, and my world will be better for not asking questions again from those who dont want to help. why have a forum where all you do is take the ****? for all you know i could have been a young lad with his first land rover entering into the "club" thinking it was a bit of fun, only to get shot down in his first forum thread.
as it is i am not, and although annoyed at the small mindedness of the majority of the group i am not going to dwell on it.
live well.

If you were on any other forum you would have been banned by now for your bad language. You can either join a forum like LRO where bad language will not be tolerated but everybody talks with plums in their mouths and you have to wait a week for a couple of responses or you can stay here, pull on your rhino skin coat and join in with the banter.

had one. s**t off road!

If you want to swear then please go into anything goes and do it.

at least spell it right! K-nob! :)

No. He spelt it right. If the K was there he'd have to go to anything goes.:rolleyes:
if you read my post i stated i know it does nothing. it is a fancy. i am sure you have fitted things to yours that are of no real use. i know enough to be dangerous, not enough to open a garage. how dare i enter your exclusive world and offend you all with such a trivial and obviously stupid question.
anyway. it is my choice, my landy, and my world will be better for not asking questions again from those who dont want to help. why have a forum where all you do is take the p***? for all you know i could have been a young lad with his first land rover entering into the "club" thinking it was a bit of fun, only to get shot down in his first forum thread.
as it is i am not, and although annoyed at the small mindedness of the majority of the group i am not going to dwell on it.
live well.
shut up, stop being a girl and listen. Here endith the lesson.
I've been given a Belfast sink and a mixer tap....they don't really go together very well but hey, they were free. Problem is I can't really see a way to fit them in my engine bay.......
Lesson learned. Apologies to all.
Penis out!
Oh, and once ive fitted the dump valve i'll figure out how to fit the sink and taps for ya blue beasty!
I've been given a Belfast sink and a mixer tap....they don't really go together very well but hey, they were free. Problem is I can't really see a way to fit them in my engine bay.......

Remove battery and airbox and re-locate to boot, drill big hole in bonnet so chav's will think the tap is a "really cool mod"....:confused:

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