Ham Salad

Active Member
Anyone tried duct taping the sunroofs up,mine are leaking like nets,had the drain pipes done and all the usual problems but now ****ing in, mainly through the winder handle.
Has anyone taped them over and it sealed ok, or am I missing something, I don't want to silicone them, as I want to open them in the summer,anyone done this and had success.
Thanks, big roll of waterproof duct tape bought,and now waiting for a dry day to tape them up, and hopefully I can go to work without my arse being soaking wet :D:D
Ok try this,it fixed mine,you may find the leak is where the sunroof itself fits the metal roof. In fact a lot of people on here have said that's the most possible point where it leaks if the drain tubes are not bunged up. I put "capatain tolleys creaping crack cure " along the edge of the sunroof.This stuff is like water and it leaches into the crack and dries out and makes a water tight seal.I did mine on a slope turning the vehilcle around each time so the stuff travels by gravity under the outside of the sun roof.I also put some exterior weather sealant around the edges just to give it an extra seal,you can still open the sunroof and to be honest no one will know there's sealant there unless they get on the roof. Capatin Tolleys I got of the internet,tap captain tolleys creapng crack cure,I got the exterior sealant from a hardware store.Best of luck
Mine seem dont leak at them moment, never had as far as I can see...during the winter months when i'm not likely I may tape both sunroofs up to save any extra damage being caused to the seals - i'm unlikely to use them in the winter anyway!
As long as you know this is a temp repair only.

Only sure fix is, headlining dropped, sunroof out, old crappy seal scraped off and resealed with Tiger Seal or similar.

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