
Wondering if anyone can help, I've been searching online for a dual or even a single swing away for the Disco 1 to no avail. Can anyone send me in the right direction or tell me that they definitely don;t exist? I've found various threads talking about them but nothing concrete?

If I can't get hold of one I might get a custom fabrication to avoid having the second wheel on top of my roof...

Any hep would be much appreciated!!!
Most standard swingaways hold the wheel pretty close to central to the vehicle for weight distribution and ease of opening the rear door!

I'd guess your only option is to buy two and modify them, or get two made to your specific requirements.
I'm wondering if there is one made for the discovery, for two reasons:

A: The weight of my large tyres can't be good the hinges
B: I'm doing some overlanding and will have a fair amount of weight on the rof with fuel and water so don't want a second spade tyre up there as well.

I was thinking a dual for the very reason of weight distribution I've seen them on land cruisers etc but there doesn't seem to be anything for the disco whcih seems odd to be honest!
I'm wondering if there is one made for the discovery, for two reasons:

A: The weight of my large tyres can't be good the hinges
B: I'm doing some overlanding and will have a fair amount of weight on the rof with fuel and water so don't want a second spade tyre up there as well.

I was thinking a dual for the very reason of weight distribution I've seen them on land cruisers etc but there doesn't seem to be anything for the disco whcih seems odd to be honest!

I've seen them on Youtube on Australian vehicles, can't recall seeing them on Dicos though.

Which Disco, there are a few models now and they are very different!

Where are you? Click on User CP and put an approximate location (close to a Town maybe), maybe someone nearer can help.
Thanks for the link Paul, I've got a feeling that I can get something custom fabricated in this country for less than the cost, shipping and import from Aus but it's still worth a look.

Ps: R Reg Disco 1!!!
If I wanted one and had the money I'd get a decently made HD rear bumper, two swingaways and fettle them to fit. Most swingaways hold a single wheel almost central, so you'd need to work out where to cut and weld but I'd guess it could be done relatively easily.

A 'proper' metal fabricator might do one reasonably ... Have a word (pm maybe) with 300tdiStu, he's in Blackpool, but makes a lot of decent bumpers and stuff.

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