i dont remember rattling your cage empty head or do they let the pigs feed anytime up your way :rolleyes: your so far up your own arse fella your almost invisible !!!!!!, as you said previously teddy ( god bless him ) has been here so many times at least 3 its beginning to border on ridiculous so you cretinous neaderthal prick when i need any **** from you in the future i`ll just give your head a squeeze

Rick why do you have to use such foul language in this thread? out of everybody Ive ever spoken to on this forum you are the most rude, obnoxious, self centered, arrogant, ignorant..hmm ( can you think of any more slob;) ) person Ive ever come accross. I'm begining to think that you need some anger managment and some counselling. I only hope that you dont teach your children to behave in the way you do.. mind you I forgot you are a child !! I think you should get yourself down to the early learning center for some building blocks for yourself, that way you wont get yourself into so much trouble
as you said previously teddy ( god bless him ) has been here so many times at least 3 its beginning to border on ridiculous

at least? so you're counting, well you maths are only just correct seen as it is only just the third car. Secondly, why shouldn't ted post about his ups and downs, there have been alot of people following this thread and are interested to know how we are getting on, you matey may not be interested, but if that were the case you wouldn't bother to post in the thread, at the end of the day of you don't like what you read it's simple.....Don't read it!

Rick why do you have to use such foul language in this thread? out of everybody Ive ever spoken to on this forum you are the most rude, obnoxious, self centered, arrogant, ignorant..hmm ( can you think of any more slob;) ) person Ive ever come accross. I'm begining to think that you need some anger managment and some counselling. I only hope that you dont teach your children to behave in the way you do.. mind you I forgot you are a child !! I think you should get yourself down to the early learning center for some building blocks for yourself, that way you wont get yourself into so much trouble

And to this i have nothing to say but, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
i dont remember rattling your cage empty head or do they let the pigs feed anytime up your way :rolleyes: your so far up your own arse fella your almost invisible !!!!!!, as you said previously teddy ( god bless him ) has been here so many times at least 3 its beginning to border on ridiculous so you cretinous neaderthal prick when i need any **** from you in the future i`ll just give your head a squeeze

oh! mum! the nasty man sed nasty things about me!! and am afraid it might all be true. oh please tell me its not true and that i'm not a crit,...creet... whatever it was he said!

there! there! son the nasty man gone now, he's got his action man colouring book and crayons so he's happy fer a while.
ha hahahah ahhahah ahahha hahahha ahha hahahhahahahhahah
i dont remember rattling your cage empty head or do they let the pigs feed anytime up your way your so far up your own arse fella your almost invisible !!!!!!, as you said previously teddy ( god bless him ) has been here so many times at least 3 its beginning to border on ridiculous so you cretinous neaderthal prick when i need any **** from you in the future i`ll just give your head a squeeze
haha ahah ahahha ah ahahh ahhha ahh ahah ahah ahahah ahhha ahhha hah ahah ahha hah ahhahahah ahah ahh ah hah ahhah haah ahh Any how my dads bigger'n your dad,
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee I just can't stop myself hahah ahah ahh aha hahah ah ah ahhahahha hah ahahh aha ha ha ha hah haha hahhahh a hh ah ahhah hah ahahahh ahah ahha ha ahaah hah aha haha ahhah aahah ah ah a aha ahha haha aah hah ah ahah ahh aha haha hah aha hah a ha hahh ah aha hah ahha haha h aahh
i dont remember rattling your cage empty head or do they let the pigs feed anytime up your way your so far up your own arse fella your almost invisible !!!!!!, as you said previously teddy ( god bless him ) has been here so many times at least 3 its beginning to border on ridiculous so you cretinous neaderthal prick when i need any **** from you in the future i`ll just give your head a squeeze
hah ah ahah ahha hah ah ahhahhahah aha hah ah aha hha hah hahh ahh ahhhah haah hh ha
I am new 1999 DSE owner , went out looking for a TD5 Discovery as a replacement for my 1993 discovery and traveled miles loking for a good one,but bought a DSE from just around the corner. I knew about all the horror stories that poeple say about the P38,but mine has full dealer history and i spent about a hour operating every switch fitted to the Range Rover , it has been worth it ,there is no better car to drive for the money you pay.
I'd start anuffer fred Beechy this ones degenerated to a reeet laff, to the point where you'll not get a serious reply.

i dont remember rattling your cage empty head or do they let the pigs feed anytime up your way your so far up your own arse fella your almost invisible !!!!!!, as you said previously teddy ( god bless him ) has been here so many times at least 3 its beginning to border on ridiculous so you cretinous neaderthal prick when i need any **** from you in the future i`ll just give your head a squeeze
hahah aa hah hah ahah ahhah ahh aha hahah ahah hah aha hahahah h ah ahah hah hah a YEAH WOTEVER hahah ah aha hhah ah ahah hah ah aha hah ahaah ahah ahh Come round to my house and I'll jolly well give you what for hah aha hah ahh ah ahah ahah ha ahha hhhhha
its not funny grunt ! never ah say nevver have i bin called such a name before . it diabolical and something needs to be done about calling members of the forum such names. its just not cricket.
ah mean who could possibly put up wiff being called fella??
no!!! its not on! its just over stepping the mark to use abuse that is clearly and deliberatly intended to be confused with being called yella.
You've got him bang to rights there Slob old chap. May I make so bold as to suggest pistols at dawn.
oi el slobbo, go squeeze yer ead an get some more **** out ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ah, never thought of it like that me old neanderthal friend ;)
ah thought it wur kinda obvious! ah mean one member with a negative IQ is quite enough. but i must say its fortunate that he has someone on hand to assist in editing his posts and help with his spelling of big wurds. maybe one day he'll be able to send off for the open uni's course on subtlety
Can't bileev this fred's still running. Er, Slobbo, stop dragging yer knuckles like that. S'most rood!
New avitar fer Pwick071155


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