Just finished replacing both timing chains and guides (all guides were broken). The engine runs very rough and can not sustain idle (cuts off). Here is my question: How critical is the proper timing of the valves? What happened is that I was following RAVE not too critically (hence I removed the head...but at 300k km it was probably due) and set the valve timing as per engine with more than 20k km, using the 4.6 mm filler gauge on the cam holding tool. Same for the reconditioned FIP (0.9 mm rather than 0.95 mm). Thinking a bit about it now, it seems that the 20k threshold refers to the chain stretching and we did put a new chain...So I may be a bit (2 degrees?) of the proper timing on the valves and FIP. Can this make such a big difference in the running of the engine? If yes, I will re-time. if not, I should look elsewhere...