Not entirely true there . Higher injection pressure pulsed injection injection timing cam setting s all of these can give increases in power and lower emissions but the mainstay is an crease in fuel but fuel alone will not give power without air diesel needs vast amounts of air to burn cleanly .
Not entirely true there . Higher injection pressure pulsed injection injection timing cam setting s all of these can give increases in power and lower emissions but the mainstay is an crease in fuel but fuel alone will not give power without air diesel needs vast amounts of air to burn cleanly .

And you are going to introduce those into a standard older engine how? New design maybe, by amateur home playing no. Not without spending a lot of money.
It all depends on what you want and how far you want to go with tuning your engine . Your making statements that aren't entirely true so I pointed that there are lots options open for tuning a diesel engine .
It all depends on what you want and how far you want to go with tuning your engine . Your making statements that aren't entirely true so I pointed that there are lots options open for tuning a diesel engine .

Of course there are, but increasing fuel is about the only reasonable option for the M51 which is the subject of this thread.

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