Take used oil - ensure it's well mixed as will be made of ATF, Engine oil, Petrol, Diesel, Gearbox oils and water and antifreeze

Work out how much you have in litres and pay your fuel duty!!!

Filter it, Filter it, Filter it, filter it more! Remove Water, run through centrifuge (3 passes) mix with whatever you find easiest or cheapest to thin it - use it!

the research i have done so far seems to be the americans are more into making black diesel than over here
seems the cummins power stroke diesel engine will run on just about anything!
from what i gleaned from the net was filter down to one micron after removing water and antifreeze and mix with whatever to thin it ratios vary but iwas mainly interested in what would be best to use to thin with and ratios due to the difference in climate.
i agree a centrifuge is best but if filtered down to one micron would it have to be run through a centrifuge?
no offence if these seems like simpleton questions but as i said it is of a genuine interest!
Have relivened this thread as frankly the car is turning into a bloody project after all. Pictures will be displayed at some point.

Having found that there is a some leakage from my oil cooler pipes, I have decided to for go paying LR the vast sums for the replacements and just replace the hose.

Have ordered some 5/8 pipe for the engine cooler and 1/2 for the gearbox cooler.. The plan is to cut the metal lines and seal and clamp the rubber hose in place, making the lines longer or shorter as required to fit a bit neater around the rest of the things i am now doing...

Having removed more and more of the car to get to various parts, it became more noticable that there was a substantial amount of oil breathing out of the intercooler. Coating the front left innards of the vehicle...

Current position of the project:

Front bumper off
Intercooler out
Oil cooler removed
Air con condenser floating
Car full of parts of itself....

With all parts out and various internet investigations completed, the project is as follows

New intercooler, from a SAAB to be fitted (considerably bigger and free)
Oil cooler to be relocated above intercooler some how..
Aircon condenser to be mounted to something somehow..
Praying that the oil cooling system doesnt just explode when the car is started..
Oh an i have a PSI powerbox that i took out of a salvage car to fit as well...

hoping for a nice power boost and some less leakage..
You do like to play don't you? It will end in tears. Maybe when you have finished you could do an How To. May i suggest for a title. "How To ruin a perfectly good car". :D:D
Fail to see how im ruining it, by keeping the old girl going and fixing the broke bits....

Still, everyone has opinions..

What im doing is pretty common it would appear although i refuse to pay allisport money for a bigger intercooler.. An as mine was free, seems daft no to use it.

If your talking about my dash, that has been sorted out.. Hoping to finally update the slating i took on that one last time..

Still, im enjoying owning the old girl.... An thats what counts to me..
Fail to see how im ruining it, by keeping the old girl going and fixing the broke bits....

Still, everyone has opinions..

What im doing is pretty common it would appear although i refuse to pay allisport money for a bigger intercooler.. An as mine was free, seems daft no to use it.

If your talking about my dash, that has been sorted out.. Hoping to finally update the slating i took on that one last time..

Still, im enjoying owning the old girl.... An thats what counts to me..

Yeah but it won't do a lot of good. You have already been told that on many occasions. It's just playing for playings sake. If that is your thing then fair do's. All the buggering about won't be worth the trouble. But you won't be told so carry on.

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