I managed to drop a small bolt down behind the high pressure diesel pump
It’s wedged in down there.
My question is is it safe to leave as is. Or is there an opening in the timing chest where it could drop down into engine?
I replaced that pump a while back and don’t want to do remove again
I doubt it will do any harm, as its wedged in, can you not get a magnet on a pole the ones which extend out to remove it? but from where it is it can only fall onto the under tray.
The timing chest is enclosed isn’t it ?

I know the place where the bolt is wedged, cos I've done it myself.:mad:

The timing case is completely sealed, or the engine oil would escape:eek:, so it'll be ok to leave it there, until such time when the HP pump needs removing. ;)
Brilliant mate.
Yes. It was quite a job to do that pump but at least I have the special tool. Ow in my shed !!
Will put it all back together later.
Just love freelander!!
I doubt it will do any harm, as its wedged in, can you not get a magnet on a pole the ones which extend out to remove it? but from where it is it can only fall onto the under tray.

tried with magnet and also endoscop camera
It’s wedged way back in. I will leave it. Thanks

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