Like the way this thread got resurrected after a year and a day on August 2nd as if it was the day after :)
From my thread

Doing a drop arm ball joint on a 90 today. I do a couple a month so I've made a tool for getting the top cup out more easily


I've ground down an old ball so it just fits within the chamfer on top but catches on the upper cup, I put it in the wrong way w
Round so you tighten the nut at the bottom with plenty of big washers so the ball can pull through. Came out easy as grease

Mabie not as much use for you guys who do alot fewer than me but it makes it alot easier to get out.

If it still pulls through the cup you can very carefully weld on the inside of the cup to
1. Give more grip on the ball
2. Contracts the cup to make it easier to remove

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