
Not sure where to put this...

In this snow I have difficulty getting up my drive (its a 90)and was wondering the best way to do this. Its about 30feet long, flat on the top and I take a bit of a run at it. Normally I would select diff lock, 1st gear and see how far I get up, when I loose traction I put the clutch in brake then handbrake and try to select reverse but before I know it i'm sliding sideways into the road. Trying to engage the clutch again without jolting and causing more slip is difficult.

I was wondering what the effect would be to rather than brake/clutch and trying to engage the clutch in reverse, just take my feet off the pedals inducing a stall, then use engine braking going backwards. Obviously this would run the engine backwards?

I'm guessing this would be a much more controlled way to reverse down the hill rather than risk puting the handbrake on and sliding sideways into the gate posts?

Any thoughts

have you tried going up in a higher gear (e.g. 2nd) you'd need to use a bit more throttle, but it would be less inclined to lose traction
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you could try going up in reverse in high range that way if ya dunt make it at least ya facing the right way. when ya start sliding.

Either way. Did no one ever explaing to you how to drive on ice/snow?? It should always be in the highest gear you can pull away in. Try going up it 3rd high & difflock on. you'll probably make it all the way up.
Thanks, I'll try 2nd gear but dont want to go too fast and slide sidways into the posts (about 2 feet either side). There is a turn at the top and if I miss that I'll be in the kitchen.

Not sure I'd be confident of going up in reverse at speed and I'll still have the same problem of sliding when the handbrake is on while I change gear.

I can take as many attempts as I want but am really after a bail out method that stops me sliding sideways into the gatepost or road - having a bit of engine braking will at least allow me to steer? Snow tonight so I'll keep you posted...

I'm guessing there is no issue with running the engine backwards for a few seconds?

Recent experience I drove diff lock low up a snow/ice covered hill, got to the point of starting to slide backwards.
Very brief brake and into reverse-drove it back down.

Standing on the brakes or hi box reverse will give you too much speed/slide and no control
Thanks, I'll try 2nd gear but dont want to go too fast and slide sidways into the posts (about 2 feet either side). There is a turn at the top and if I miss that I'll be in the kitchen.

Not sure I'd be confident of going up in reverse at speed and I'll still have the same problem of sliding when the handbrake is on while I change gear.

I can take as many attempts as I want but am really after a bail out method that stops me sliding sideways into the gatepost or road - having a bit of engine braking will at least allow me to steer? Snow tonight so I'll keep you posted...

I'm guessing there is no issue with running the engine backwards for a few seconds?

Running the engine backwards???
ANyway wot you want is to make it in a safe controlled fashion.Read and listen to wot ya being told.Bail outs wont be needed then.
You should take it as fast as safely possible, with only enough power going to the wheels to just about get you to the top - this is why a high gear helps, it prevents you from giving a sudden dollop of torque which may induce wheelspin. You should aim to reach the crest at 1mph, rather than maintaining your speed all the way up the hill.

If you fail, then you should be able to stop completely with your foot on the brake and clutch, then engage reverse, find the bite point, and then let go of all pedals. Alternatively, hit the brakes to stall it, go into reverse, release all pedals, then start the engine with all feet clear. The handbrake shouldn't be involved anywhere. Handbrakes are for hill starts where you don't want to roll backwards.

Remember that if it starts to slide while going down, then you will need to give it some gas to bring the wheel speed up to the actual speed. It's better to be going too fast than sliding IMO. In face this entire post is IMO.
Ok goonarmy, will have another go at doing the falling down the slope while I engage the clutch for reverse. The problem I have with that is there is so much transmission backlash and suspension movement it appears to unsettle the car more. I thought perhaps stalling and just use engine braking coming down the hill would be more controlled - hence the running the engine in reverse. Its a very steep short, slope

thanks again

Hi lifechooser,the problem is its so steep I have to take a run at it - if i only get half way up it wont hold on the brakes and the only thing stopping it sliding backwards is the drive to the spinning wheels. I think your second options sounds the best but do I need to start the engine again or can I get away with just using the engine compression to reverse safely or even leaving it in 2nd gear.

thanks for you help - I'll have a go tomorrow
I knew that was coming! Its such a short run and I dont want to park it on the road in case someone ploughs into it with all this ice.
so how do you suggest he gets his motor out of his DRIVE if he aint supposed to be there?:rolleyes:

Not the most helpful of suggestions :doh:
I thought he was trying to get INTO his drive.

It makes no difference. If he can't safely hold the car on the hill, he shouldn't be risking it.
There is about 10 feet where I can't hold it on the brakes. I just need enough momentum to get past this point and round but not too much that I end up in the kitchen. It takes a few goes to guage the right speed. Thanks for all your replies. I have some ideas.

Get shovel and clear the part you cant stop on without sliding. Or get set of chains. Any other way is going to end up being very risky with possible grief

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