Hard to say but i'd say it goes up 5 or 6 feet in say 15 feet at the steepest.
Its tarmac. Bearing in mind my tyres are hopeless in the snow/ice 245/70/16's or something close and have to cope with with a 40 mile daily commute.

Just out of interest - what will happen with and engine forced to run backwards - will it try and fire/ damage the gearbox/pump etc?

it will fook it completely - just DONT DO IT!

get yoself some decent tyres - GG AT2's and yu will manage it.
wtf just get some road salt as already suggested,
i live at the top of steep hill no problem up bitch going down so salted the hill everyone can now go up/down in any car.
As slow as possible: as fast as necessary: 2nd gear, diff lock, and drive steadily and positively.
Once the snow thaws I suggest you get some proper training on how to drive your vehicle; no point having it if you don't know how to drive it! :)
I think it's a bit unfair having a go at the guy because he hasn't got the right technique. If every question about engines/mods/driving was responded with whats the point in having a Land Rover if you can't do XYZ, it would be a quiet forum! I pick stuff up on here by other people asking questions and more experienced answering, it's all good :)

I am not sure why you don't just throw some grit down and be done with it? Saying that, I made a fatal mistake the other week going through a ford which I needed to grit which I go through almost everyday to get down the lane at the office...laugh at will!...went down into the river, no probs, then up the other side of the ford...hmmm, a bit slippy even though I was only part way up the bank. Slightly suprised as I had been through it in a Nissan Tino at pace about an hour earlier. No probs, time to do the FWH and get into 4WD. Handbrake on...get out the car...oh crap seems the handbrake isnt as good as I thougt it was - Land Rover rolls down slope, goes off to the side into the river rather than the tarmac crossing bit. Cack! I walk up to it, slip over on the ice, fall off the bank and into the river end up on my back fully submerged - that was damn cold!

Idiot! I will be engaging 4WD *before* I risk doing the same again!
Yes, apologize to the guy for my comment above. Its easy to critisize i suppose when you cant see the full facts, & have no probs driving anywhere myself.
My two pennoth - Getting up the drive is a real problem for "my other car" - I find taking a run at it getting just enough speed up and literally rolling up the drive works quite well but it is even easier after taking a shovel and some grit to the slippery slope.
stick it in second gear low box and let it go up the hill on tickover or just a fraction over. I've been up loads of snowy and icey hills that I can't stop on without sliding back down. I've still made it up them though. A couple of them I've even lowered cars back down using purely my engine braking.

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