Ye its still on although it's only a small one... will be sometime after 1 on the fri, would be nice to get there at a reasonable time. Will you be joining us??
What you drivin then i thught that was all there was down there!!!!! haha
Im going but having to get a lift off accywingy cause mine is poorly, typical Landrover haha
can't make it for 1 on fri hgv drivers do it when they can!!!!!! seriously finished early for Gaydon they'll think i'm taking the proverbial if i ask for another too soon :rolleyes: anyway would like to meet up with some members either sat or sun if poss but how will we identify you?:confused:
Well the weekend is finaly here, and a few of us will be making our way to Driffield.
If any of you decide you want to meet or have a chat, i will have my mobile on so give us a text or a bell. 07929611782
There's defo going to be me, Graham willkinson, Cruisermik and a few others will be tagging along for day trips. Were camping for the weekend so keep your eyes open for us. The more the merrier

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