Just when I thought all was well, my wee Landy has let me down.
Since last winter the starter has been turning slower. I didn't think much about it, but knew that mostly likely there would be a dodgy connection or most likely earth. And I would get round to looking at it "sometime".
Yesterday, the charge and oil lights hardly came on and when I turned the key to start the car, nothing happened, after the starter turned once.
The lights would then not come on thereafter.
It started (eventually, which is very unusual as she starts after about three seconds normally) with a jump, so it's not the starter. Also battery is fine, as I checked that on the battery charger gauge.
So, I stripped off the negative strap from battery to chassis, cleaned it all with a wire brush head on my electric drill and reassembled it.
I also slid under the car and gave the starter motor connections an inspection but nothing obvious is apparent there. But still no joy.
So I pulled off the dash board and the fault is in there somewhere, because depending on how far you pull the dashboard out, determines whether the ignition lights come on at all, or about half as bright as normal. So I'm surmising a loose connection in there I think.
I am happy to potter about the engine and the car in general, but I'm not confident with electrics.
Is is something straightforward and common that you gurus can advise me on how to fix it, or, is it a "call an auto electrician" situation?