If you wana be a mamby pamby fecking social worker, go join the poxy Green Party P.C. Forum and hug some trees while you at it.

I don't think I am about to do that - but you could learn some lessons from them when it comes to courtesy and respect.
how doyu know he was opening the door? the door may have been open with no traffic around and then the little old lady comes along at 80 in a 30 limit.

we dont know the facts.
speculation and name calling dont help.
This forum is about Landies and their owners. He dediced to shout his head off to a senior member when I for 1 agree with what he had said.

If you wana be a mamby pamby fecking social worker, go join the poxy Green Party P.C. Forum and hug some trees while you at it.

You just need to look at the pictures to see that he shouldn't have opened his door while there was trafic there. He may have played the system and got a payout.

You are possibly the most arrogant, deluded idiot I've ever seen posting on the Internet for that last paragraph. Who the hell are you to accuse me of playing the system? I find it utterly reprehensible for a forum member to make such a comment. :ban:

Typical bitch trying to be a tough guy driving a land rover type aren't u? Keep sitting in front of your computer and be a hard man.... To insinuate me of being a criminal is just plain low.

"He dediced to shout his head off to a senior member when I for 1 agree with what he had said". Senior member? W.T.F do you think this is-parliament? Get a life or a mini metro you idiot.
Are you having a laugh you flipping nut job? Are you sure you got the traffic the right side of the road??? Or are you gauging it in your own Gallic Dalek way?

Tell you what, Dalektek, why don't you report me to the police? Go against me, witnesses and the driver who has admitted liability and both insurance company's....... You are obviously a French computer on autopilot sent to annoy us roastbeefs......

Now lets here what you got to say datacaper:flame2:

it looks in pic that your parked on the left side of road
Someone doth protest a little too much I feel.....

And who exactly started the name calling? :suspicious::rolleyes:
You are possibly the most arrogant, deluded idiot I've ever seen posting on the Internet for that last paragraph. Who the hell are you to accuse me of playing the system? I find it utterly reprehensible for a forum member to make such a comment. :ban:

Typical bitch trying to be a tough guy driving a land rover type aren't u? Keep sitting in front of your computer and be a hard man.... To insinuate me of being a criminal is just plain low.

"He dediced to shout his head off to a senior member when I for 1 agree with what he had said". Senior member? W.T.F do you think this is-parliament? Get a life or a mini metro you idiot.

Lora big words chuck.

I've been rumbled, I do drive my Land Rover making out I'm a tough guy - but I'm bloody useless at it 'cos it don't work that well in a Freelander.

You are a very perceptive bloke (or am I being assumptive that you are not female?) cos we used to have a Metro, was the wife's car, but I still drove it. It was the posh Mayfair version with velour uphostery and a flash "Mayfair" badge. Was a lovely car till some nobb nicked it.

However, I am also perceptive so if you're going to quote me - quote me and don't edit and highlight to suit your agenda. ####!

As for insinuating you're a criminal - what are you on? Playing the system would imply the exact reverse! ####!
don't edit and highlight to suit your agenda. ####!

You moron :)

Just saw your pathetic response. Glad you can have a kick at playing Arnie sitting by your laptop:violent:

Reason why I haven't responded is i have been looking for a disco replacement all day-the day I could have enjoyed with my baby girl.......but oh wait, I shouldn't be doing that as I'm a con artist who set up a car crash, or I delibarately put mine and another's life in danger with my poor road sense.....
Your wisdom and insights really do deserve the praise of the board. :praise:
people make mistakes, that's why they put erasers on the end of pencils, so what if he opened his door a foot without looking.
99/100 it wouldn't make any difference.

thing is anyone driving that close to a parked car should get points for not paying due care and attention to the road conditions.
Someone doth protest a little too much I feel.....

And who exactly started the name calling? :suspicious::rolleyes:

While you're at it:

- who was it that started making assumptions about who to blame for an accident based on a few pictures and their arrogant faith in their own expertise?
- who was it who implicitly accused someone else of being a lowlife scumbag who "play's the system" and stitches-up old ladies to try to win an insurance claim?

The poor guy came here for help. You guys are far too up your own arses for that though.
Or are you just "having a laugh" as the usual excuse goes.

We can all be arse holes now and then. Let's not assume everyone else is though.

(And yes - I'm an arse hole as well!)
While you're at it:

- who was it that started making assumptions about who to blame for an accident based on a few pictures and their arrogant faith in their own expertise?
- who was it who implicitly accused someone else of being a lowlife scumbag who "play's the system" and stitches-up old ladies to try to win an insurance claim?

The poor guy came here for help. You guys are far too up your own arses for that though.
Or are you just "having a laugh" as the usual excuse goes.

We can all be arse holes now and then. Let's not assume everyone else is though.

(And yes - I'm an arse hole as well!)

Come on this "poor guy" comes along wanting to show off a funny pic of his Freelander.

A member points out that he thinks he was at fault for the incident and rather than explaining why he was wrong the bloke starts firing off obseneties at him. I happen to agree with that member (unusual as it is) so the #### deserved some **** and truths back at him.

Ok I rather caught Tannaton in the crossfire, sorry, but if this fella is so squeakey clean he should apologise, tell us why Datatek was wrong and stop firing off foul language.

btw - with that icon, you do officially have the biggest arse ;)
I thought this was a land rover forum..

....seems like 50%+ of this thread is just keyboard warriors.
Come on this "poor guy" comes along wanting to show off a funny pic of his Freelander.

A member points out that he thinks he was at fault for the incident and rather than explaining why he was wrong the bloke starts firing off obseneties at him. I happen to agree with that member (unusual as it is) so the #### deserved some **** and truths back at him.

I've studied personality disorders, narcissistic and borderline types, and you fall somewhere between the two.

I came here as other members have pointed out to you, not to show off a "funny pic", but for some advice on how to fix it, which I thought was the point of this forum.

Instead you have shown us symptoms of your unfortunate psychiatric condition-bless you child, you cannot help it.

The dear old girl who knocked my door off (and whom I cared for as she burst out crying, nearly keeling over) accepted responsibility, the insurers both accepted it, her friend phoned me to thank me for looking after her, a hire car has been delivered and an offer for my car accepted. Done. I just simply wanted advice here-not my honourable reputation tarnished.

I had no need to give you, Arnie or gaylektek, a minute by minute breakdown of the road conditions, weather, flora and fauna and any other trifling detail YOU wanted.

I have too much on to bother the good folk of Landyzone with any more child's play as this is a serious site. Call it me "****ting" myself Arnie if you wish but that's it from me. The freelander is getting scrapped and its goodnight from me.
I've studied personality disorders, narcissistic and borderline types, and you fall somewhere between the two.

I came here as other members have pointed out to you, not to show off a "funny pic", but for some advice on how to fix it, which I thought was the point of this forum.

Instead you have shown us symptoms of your unfortunate psychiatric condition-bless you child, you cannot help it.

The dear old girl who knocked my door off (and whom I cared for as she burst out crying, nearly keeling over) accepted responsibility, the insurers both accepted it, her friend phoned me to thank me for looking after her, a hire car has been delivered and an offer for my car accepted. Done. I just simply wanted advice here-not my honourable reputation tarnished.

I had no need to give you, Arnie or gaylektek, a minute by minute breakdown of the road conditions, weather, flora and fauna and any other trifling detail YOU wanted.

I have too much on to bother the good folk of Landyzone with any more child's play as this is a serious site. Call it me "****ting" myself Arnie if you wish but that's it from me. The freelander is getting scrapped and its goodnight from me.

For sake of door and a pillar?
If anyone wants the car (and to meet me in person; I don't do autographs;). Then they have it for the price that the insurers want for it which is £221.00-plus them delivering it which is about £150.00. Dont forget its a cat d write off. I don't know if its been in the compound since it was towed with rain protection or not, but it had a CPU fitted just before Chrimbo, is on 120k, and is generally a lovely motor.
The honest truth is we are moving and had there had been some advice for "dels body shop in battersea did mine when I set up a car crash with an old lady a couple of years back" then I may have contacted the guy and got it done, but we really do need a five door now anyway..... Anybody want the car PM me with a mobile number
While you're at it:

- who was it that started making assumptions about who to blame for an accident based on a few pictures and their arrogant faith in their own expertise?
- who was it who implicitly accused someone else of being a lowlife scumbag who "play's the system" and stitches-up old ladies to try to win an insurance claim?

The poor guy came here for help. You guys are far too up your own arses for that though.
Or are you just "having a laugh" as the usual excuse goes.

We can all be arse holes now and then. Let's not assume everyone else is though.

(And yes - I'm an arse hole as well!)

Thank you for pointing out I'm up my own arse :mad:

Anyone that choses to attack anyone that questions the circumstances and launch straight into name calling is either trolling for a reaction or trying to hide something.

I don't really care which :rolleyes:
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed an awful lot of forum topics descending into chimpanzee sh1t-flinging contests lately? Not just this forum, which has more than its share of trolls IMO, but everywhere.


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