Thank you for pointing out I'm up my own arse :mad:

Anyone that choses to attack anyone that questions the circumstances and launch straight into name calling is either trolling for a reaction or trying to hide something.

I don't really care which :rolleyes:

Erm - you're welcome? :eek:

Disclaimer: any members defamed in any of my posts are fictitious.
Any similarity to actual members - living or dead - is entirely concidental.

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Sorry, I've just got to put another post up here!

I've studied personality disorders, narcissistic and borderline types, and you fall somewhere between the two.

I came here as other members have pointed out to you, not to show off a "funny pic", but for some advice on how to fix it, which I thought was the point of this forum.

Instead you have shown us symptoms of your unfortunate psychiatric condition-bless you child, you cannot help it.

Fair enough, but my mum still loves me.

The dear old girl who knocked my door off (and whom I cared for as she burst out crying, nearly keeling over) accepted responsibility, the insurers both accepted it, her friend phoned me to thank me for looking after her, a hire car has been delivered and an offer for my car accepted. Done. I just simply wanted advice here-not my honourable reputation tarnished.

That sir is exactly my point. The number 1 thing insurers tell you when you have an accident is not to admit responsibility. So this emotional old girl who's just been in an accident that she found very traumatic, and probably didn't even know what day of the week it was at that point, admits responsibility. You being the kind sir that you are used this admission to play the system and get a payout on her insurance - that is the way I and other members of this forum have read the situation.

I had no need to give you, Arnie or gaylektek, a minute by minute breakdown of the road conditions, weather, flora and fauna and any other trifling detail YOU wanted.

I have too much on to bother the good folk of Landyzone with any more child's play as this is a serious site. Call it me "****ting" myself Arnie if you wish but that's it from me. The freelander is getting scrapped and its goodnight from me.

Yes the, the good folk of Landyzone would not be too proud of opening their doors into the path of old ladies and then taking advantage of them. Or maybe its just this particular narcissistic one.
Sorry, I've just got to put another post up here!

That sir is exactly my point. The number 1 thing insurers tell you when you have an accident is not to admit responsibility. So this emotional old girl who's just been in an accident that she found very traumatic, and probably didn't even know what day of the week it was at that point, admits responsibility. You being the kind sir that you are used this admission to play the system and get a payout on her insurance - that is the way I and other members of this forum have read the situation.

Your poor wife-twisting things to suit your own ends..... Dear oh dear. The only actual way, dear Landyzone readers, to win with these nut jobs is to completely ignore them, and I really should know better, but just at least I'll get the satisfaction of knowing that my name is cleared after his last bit of bloodlust in trying to say that I took advantage of an elderly woman.......

I sat the old (75 ish) woman down in a cafe Nero, bought her a coffee, asked her if she had a friend who could come and take care of her, who promptly did and who gave me a lift to mine. At no point did I ask her, or cajole or talk about anything to do with the accident bar checking she was ok. The female friend was a solicitor (who whilst was giving me a lift heard the insurers call and me telling them them she was driving at 25, even though she was at 35 in a 30 zone). Later in the day of her own volition she admitted responsibility in her own home.

So what have you achieved grumpygel? You've showed yourself to be what you are. I cant imagine a more deluded, narcissist than you are. Need I say more. No.
Give it a break! there is only one person on here that knows what happened. I, for one, couldnt give a monkeys if he is deluding himself or not. This thread just smacks of trolling for the dubious fun of it. Its pathetic.
Sorry, I've just got to put another post up here!

That sir is exactly my point. The number 1 thing insurers tell you when you have an accident is not to admit responsibility. So this emotional old girl who's just been in an accident that she found very traumatic, and probably didn't even know what day of the week it was at that point, admits responsibility. You being the kind sir that you are used this admission to play the system and get a payout on her insurance - that is the way I and other members of this forum have read the situation.

Your poor wife-twisting things to suit your own ends..... Dear oh dear. The only actual way, dear Landyzone readers, to win with these nut jobs is to completely ignore them, and I really should know better, but just at least I'll get the satisfaction of knowing that my name is cleared after his last bit of bloodlust in trying to say that I took advantage of an elderly woman.......

I sat the old (75 ish) woman down in a cafe Nero, bought her a coffee, asked her if she had a friend who could come and take care of her, who promptly did and who gave me a lift to mine. At no point did I ask her, or cajole or talk about anything to do with the accident bar checking she was ok. The female friend was a solicitor (who whilst was giving me a lift heard the insurers call and me telling them them she was driving at 25, even though she was at 35 in a 30 zone). Later in the day of her own volition she admitted responsibility in her own home.

So what have you achieved grumpygel? You've showed yourself to be what you are. I cant imagine a more deluded, narcissist than you are. Need I say more. No.

Instead of flinging insults why not explain how it happened?
Instead of flinging insults why not explain how it happened?

Thanks blue beauty for the invitation, but frankly I've had enough of the bad karma. There is enough information within the thread for people to make their own minds up if they really are that interested in the scenario. I also invite tenders for the screenplay, book and film rights to the the story of "wanted my motor fixed but instead got accosted by a kiwi outpatient from the nut house"

Good luck-God bless.
I do find it funny that I was accused of calling somebody a criminal, which I didn't, but they were very offended at even the slightest thought of it, then they went on to admit insurance fraud!
I do find it funny that I was accused of calling somebody a criminal, which I didn't, but they were very offended at even the slightest thought of it, then they went on to admit insurance fraud!

I read the thread and saw pushing and pulling all around.

We were not there when his accident occurred so we do not know the facts. He asked about getting his door fixed so we should focus on that than try to investigate his accident.

Let's end the :violent: mates and :tea: instead.
Would have been useful to have more info on the damage and proper pictures of the damage to even start to give the answers that you wanted..

Most people are willing to give help and advice if you ask in the right way.. And give enough information to work with. A picture can say a thousand words but some pictures only say one or two........

I also think that sometimes it is better to keep your opinions to yourself especially in a text/web/forum context as you can't convey tone of voice etc.
If anyone wants the car (and to meet me in person; I don't do autographs;). Then they have it for the price that the insurers want for it which is £221.00-plus them delivering it which is about £150.00. Dont forget its a cat d write off. I don't know if its been in the compound since it was towed with rain protection or not, but it had a CPU fitted just before Chrimbo, is on 120k, and is generally a lovely motor.
The honest truth is we are moving and had there had been some advice for "dels body shop in battersea did mine when I set up a car crash with an old lady a couple of years back" then I may have contacted the guy and got it done, but we really do need a five door now anyway..... Anybody want the car PM me with a mobile number

Blimey you'd get more money by framing that picture and selling it on eBay. ..
The female friend was a solicitor (who whilst was giving me a lift heard the insurers call and me telling them them she was driving at 25, even though she was at 35 in a 30 zone).

Ummm........You had enough time to accurately measure her speed yet you didn't see her coming to shut your door?:confused:

You've showed yourself to be what you are. I cant imagine a more deluded, narcissist than you are. Need I say more. No.

Gosh, :kettlepot:springs to mind.

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