
Hi guys,

Well after a couple of trouble free months I have my first problem:eek:

Away at my parents at the moment, just going out and put my key in the door lock and it don't open! Move the key back and forth and alarm engages/disengages but will not open!

Got RAC coming out to me to get in, but is there a known issue with the locks?

Never taken a land rover lock apart so not sure what the issue could be??


Looks like the micro switches are working if the alarm is operational, correction, one of them is working. Are the other doors/tailgate opening? If so then the linkage rod could have disengaged from the lock actuating arm.:(
Looks like the micro switches are working if the alarm is operational, correction, one of them is working. Are the other doors/tailgate opening? If so then the linkage rod could have disengaged from the lock actuating arm.:(

No, nothing is happening apart from indicator lights flashing with alarm engaging/disengaging.


As above, key is really not designed for daily use.

Explain please, I have been using mine for ages since I had R/F receiver problems and disconnected it. Are our locks constructed differently to those on vehicles without remote locking? Not being confrontational Keith but am I missing something?:)
Should just add, all sorted now thanks to a very nice RAC patrol man! Was just a linkage to the dead lock come off! All things sorted apart from the clips on the door card, why do they break instead of un clipping :mad:


Fob has never worked since I bought the motor 2 months ago, put battery in but nothing happened, not what to do with it?



Is the red light flashing on the fob when you press buttons? Is the R/F receiver connected? When you do get access take the O/S rear parcel shelf cover off (one Phillips screw and 3 trim clips and lift off window side clips) and you will see two black boxes. The larger one, closest to the seat is the R/F receiver. It should have one blue wire (aerial) and another plug but I cannot remember the wire colours. If it is one of the older R/F's then it can cause loads of problems with door locks, flat batteries etc. Do a search, its problems and R/F model identification have been covered in depth.:)
Should just add, all sorted now thanks to a very nice RAC patrol man! Was just a linkage to the dead lock come off! All things sorted apart from the clips on the door card, why do they break instead of un clipping :mad:



Well door card clips are cheaper than a new door lock:) It is not advisable to use the superlock facility (two presses of the fob or in your case two turns of the key) as this can cause problems. Typical R/R, not fit for purpose. At least you can have a look at your R/F receiver now. Adding your location may be a good idea for WHEN you next have problems.:D:D
Thanks Alan,

No, the red light on the fob has never lit up! I would like to get this working, as apart from the trip computer everything on the motor works well!

Think new fobs are the way forward but not keen on the price especially if I find there is more of an issue than just the fobs!


Thanks Alan,

No, the red light on the fob has never lit up! I would like to get this working, as apart from the trip computer everything on the motor works well!

Think new fobs are the way forward but not keen on the price especially if I find there is more of an issue than just the fobs!



Check/clean the battery contacts and the voltage of the battery. Worth a look at the receiver when you have time, think the new one has a green dot on it, but you can open it up and check the internals with the photo's that have been posted on here ( by Saint.V8 I believe). Good luck:)
We dont need to know how they get in....dont need to be spreading thing types of things around!!

And Datatek has posted the image of the receiver internals!
Explain please, I have been using mine for ages since I had R/F receiver problems and disconnected it. Are our locks constructed differently to those on vehicles without remote locking? Not being confrontational Keith but am I missing something?:)
Mechanics of the key operated part of the lock look fragile to me. logically as it's meant to open on the FOB they would not waste money on the key mech.
Mechanics of the key operated part of the lock look fragile to me. logically as it's meant to open on the FOB they would not waste money on the key mech.

You think RR are logical:D:D:D. I checked through my invoices and I have been using my key for the last 3 years, all be it that I'm out of the country for 5 months of the year, they cannot be that fragile. I think I will go down the remote isolation switch for the R/F receiver as I'm buggered if I'm going to pay inflated prices for a plastic box and a few quids worth of electronics:)

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