
Cockernee, Pasty munchin bastid.
Got this in me e-mail -

Dear Treworgey 90,

Your access to the paid subscription "Donate to LandyZone" is about to expire.

If you have selected a recurring subscription you will be automatically billed for the renewal, else to renew this subscription you must visit

If you do not extend your subscription, access will be removed.

All the best,
Land Rover Zone

"access will be removed?"

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I got that e-mail too. When I was first asked to subscribe I understood that it was to be a voluntary donation to help with forum running costs. I don't mind voluntary but take great exception to being threatened with having access removed. Looks like I'll be leaving which is bad 'cos I enjoy this site and have had a lot of good advice from other members.
i fink it must have been bad wording - coz i dont know of anyone with "access removed".

I do know of some that have stopped paying - and they are still on here.

me for one.
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d'ya reckon it could just be a mistake, cabbie?you know, rather than a threat

OK, if it's a mistake and I'm not getting banned then that's alright . I just thought we were going to be struck off. As I said, I have no objection at all to making a voluntary donation.

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