Ian jones

Well-Known Member
Hi all , just read the 29 page dog and lemon review on the freelander one , they slated every part of the car big style , ok thinking about it ive not seen a good review on the freelander yet , but I still bought one , although depressing reading , surely this cant relate to whats parked outside :eek: (that's me thinking be positive) My freelander td4 is the best car ive owned to date , Why is it hated by so many :D I would have to win the lottery to replace it !
in the words of Morrisey.."it's so easy to laugh, it's so easy hate...".
Seems to have got a reputation from the early models (particulary petrol). It was then an easy target because a) It was a land rover and people had certain expections of how it should be and b) it was very popular.
just read it. wow. what a load of rubbish. im on my second freelander and although im going to sell it soon i got to say apart from fuel consumption i can not fault the car. anybody reading this review should take it with a pinch of salt.
if I though they were that bad I would not have brought my second one and the wife has one she has had hers about 11 years only a head gasket problem ,and last mot it passed it is a 1998 petrol she love it and will not part with it
I was nearly put off by all the bad press about the Freelander but I bought it anyway as IMO it was great value and potentially gave me everything I needed in a car

So far I am very happy with it and plan to keep it long term. All cars ten years old need things doing to them and with a Freelander the parts are cheap and very abundant.

One of the nicest cars I've owned was a Mitsubishi Outlander which I owned from new and kept it for years. Fortunately I had an extended warranty because it would have cost me thousands in repair costs including a HGF. The last straw was the rear suspension bushes which were going to be £700 fitted, as they would have to be imported from Japan. Yet Mitsubishi's have a reputation for being very reliable

Its all bollocks
I've only had my Freelander just over a week, but it really is a joy to drive. Here's where my credibility goes up in smoke, I've also got a Ford Probe (well two actually), c'mon let me have it , I'm a big boy.

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