
New Member
Hello All,
Sorry for the first posting being a request for help?

Ive owned a 2014 defender 110 xs utility, and loved it all however am now looking to change to suit family life a bit more!
Whats the best way to sell them it appears to be quite unique as I can't see any others on the normal car sites

this is a link to it when I purchased it and ive not changed anything on it (advise on purchase)

I was told the combination of extras is quite rare? is this the case

Hopefully going to get a 90 project after this as I think I would prefer one of those in shape and style!
Thanks sorry if this is in the wrong section never been on any of the forums before so was unsure where to ask for advice
we had a 110 county as a family wagon for a few years, eventually switched to a suburban for space and comfort
If you want a family wagon, you won't get any better than what you already have.
Are you for real? Ever been in the back seats of a fender. Awful, truly awful. Get a Astra or a focus, something that's decent and a dam sight cheaper. Worse case disco or rangie but never a fender.
Are you for real? Ever been in the back seats of a fender. Awful, truly awful. Get a Astra or a focus, something that's decent and a dam sight cheaper. Worse case disco or rangie but never a fender.
I got rid of my Astra to buy a Defender. Never regretted it. There was never enough room in the Astra. Only normal car that I have found had enough space, was a BMW 320d Estate. I'm actually considering upgrading again from a 90 to a 110 for yet more room.
I need 2 car seats in the back and space for a 10 year old,
love the defender but it does need to go

looking at getting an a7 and then a pick up and a 90 will come as a project,
I need 2 car seats in the back and space for a 10 year old,
love the defender but it does need to go

looking at getting an a7 and then a pick up and a 90 will come as a project,
I would have thought an a6 would be better for rear space just due to shape, or a8 if you wanna look like a limo driver.
A6 Is a saloon the a7 is the same size but a hatchback, the a8 (from what I have seen is a 2 + 2 normally and im not a serbian gangster so not sure even if it turns into a bench

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