Unless you moced it the air intake is about level with the top of the wheel arch on the passenger side.
I noticed that after this particular expedition. I did get water in the air filter and some even made it into the pipe to the air intake manifold. Up until then I was labouring under the misapprehension, courtesy of some ill informed muppet that told me, the air intake was through the grill at the top of the bulk head by the windscreen wipers! And it was not until I fitted a snorkel that I discovered where it really was!
Did you get any water through door seals
No - one of the wonderful things that I enjoy about greenlaning/off roading in a RR is how comfortable it is. I have been out in the middle of winter with people in 110's and series LR's - and they are wearing coats and scarves and gloves and wellies with liners because the heaters are ineffective and the doors leak - so they have water swilling around their feet!
Wheras I am smug in a mostly level cab in shirt sleeves, with a warm dry, comfortable leather upholstered acoustically sealed cocoon around me. :D
This of course is a cue for my next outing to involve wet feet and a drowned ECMU....

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