


The last one is me being towed by a SeriesII
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Everything failed, all the electrics went crazy... apparently they don't like water on them lol it came creeping in to the cab and fried all the computers under the seat, and after about 3 months the gearbox went...... i forgot to put a wading plug in it!!
Everything failed, all the electrics went crazy... apparently they don't like water on them lol it came creeping in to the cab and fried all the computers under the seat, and after about 3 months the gearbox went...... i forgot to put a wading plug in it!!

Ouch! Did you get it sorted? Still got the car?

I'm guessing you were going through some fairly deep water - more than 500mm!! Was it coming over the bonnet??
Yea its was fine in the end, still have the same RR, I went in it about 1 hour earlier (but a little to the right and it wasn't so deep there, the next time I went to the left it was a lot deeper, tried to keep a "Bow Wave" going but like you say it was coming over the top, but way too much, the car actually floated, and then the cab started to fill up, then as it was sinking (like a ship) the wheels touched the ground and i reversed out at speed, lucky I had insurance on the gearbox so it wasn't too bad, most of the computer dried out and was still usable, just changed the one, and I got that for just a few ££ starter motor burned out (it wouldn't turn off) so I was kinda lucky in that it could have cost me a lot more £££ than it did
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Yea its was fine in the end, still have the same RR, I went in it about 1 hour earlier (but a little to the right and it wasn't so deep there, the next time I went to the left it was a lot deeper, tried to keep a "Bow Wave" going but like you say it was coming over the top, but way too much, the car actually floated, and then the cab started to fill up, then as it was sinking (like a ship) the wheels touched the ground and i reversed out at speed, lucky I had insurance on the gearbox so it wasn't too bad, most of the computer dried out and was still usable, just changed the one, and I got that for just a few ££ starter motor burned out (it wouldn't turn off) so I was kinda lucky in that it could have cost me a lot more £££ than it did

I didn't think you needed a wading plug for the gearbox on a P38?

You're lucky you didn't suck any water in - the intake is surprisingly low. Last time I was on Salisbury Plain, the chap I was with drove into a deep muddy waterhole and stalled the engine because of water in the intake.

A couple of minutes later the water came in and the BECM went beserk. It's quite amusing when that happens (as long as it's not yours that's doing it!).

Took 2 Landies roped together to pull him out.
water came in and the BECM went beserk

Yea that what happened to me, anything that was electric turned itself on (including the starter motor) i will load a pick up and show you some serious deep wading (not my RR though)
i off road mine, as l;ong as i dont scratch it up,

im looking for a set of wheels with bf at's at mo for it
Bought mine and use it for shooting. Was a bit precious about it to start with as it was (is) a nice one. After a few scratches through bushes not quite so precious now. Did threaten to shoot it when air meter crapped out at the weekend though!!

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