
New Member
Just wondering really! Obviously lots of Classics are, just wondering if P38's were being used yet? Or if anyone is brave enough to take their L322?

We all know they're both very capable offroad, but my suspicion is most stay on tarmac like most 4x4's!

Pics as evidence will, of course, be required...!
Or if anyone is brave enough to take their L322?

I occasionally take my L322 onto military training areas around my way. I'm sure there must be some greenlaning around here, but I have no idea where any routes are. I've managed not to do anything too horrendous in it or sratch it too much so far. It certainly is a bit of a laugh, although MPG goes right down and that as much as anything else stops me doing it too often - can't afford to just tit around for the sake of it if I'm not going anywhere in particular!
Usually shortly followed by massive cleaning and polishing mission afterwards!
No pics though I'm afraid! Next time!
just waitin 4 my mate to finish building his disco. Go in that first, then il decide whether im brave/stupid enough to take my p38
Nearest I get to off roading my P38 is pulling my caravan out of the field at the back of my house, steep & muddy but not serious!
I do a few local lanes in my P38 and did the LRO training day at Rockingham in it - an experience and a half (highly recommended for £50).
We go greenlaning in mine, gets everywhere my old 110 used to only in slightly more comfort :)

Ok good to know! Reason for asking is the missus thinks I should sell the RRC and my BMW 330Ci and replace them both with a Range Rover. My fear is I'd never use it like it is intended. I'd definitely take a P38 to a pay and play do though, and greenlaning just not down narrow ones!!
KEEP the classic.........less to go wrong. My mate sold her P38 to get a classic as it was less hassle.
Just wondering really! Obviously lots of Classics are, just wondering if P38's were being used yet? Or if anyone is brave enough to take their L322?

We all know they're both very capable offroad, but my suspicion is most stay on tarmac like most 4x4's!

Pics as evidence will, of course, be required...!

Yes i do all the time and its not crappy laning, its a bit hairy sometimes up coniston in the lake district, my brothers got a 300tdi disco and my standard diesel rr (apart from psi box) woooops his arse all over the hillside seems a far better off roader standard for standard... il upload the pics later. But im well proud of my rangie and what she can do on the mountin lol
I've had my p38 cill deep in mud on many a shooting expedition. It's very cabable but not a patch on the prepped disco we use most of the time.
My P38 gets regularly off roaded. Mostly green lanes but have done a couple of sessions on Salisbury Plain. They're really good off road and I've surprised a few people.

Had to tow a RRC out that got stuck behind me a while ago too.

I find the lanes round here are quite scratchy though and it does have a bit of bramble rash now but I can't see the point in owning one if you're not going to use it for what it was designed for.

Problem I have is finding people to go out with.

I have got a few pics but they're on my other computer and not all that impressive - nobody I go with ever seems to have a decent camera!

About once a month my P38 gets a run through a rally stage, both before and after the rally cars have gone through.
I think 996TURBO wins that one hands down - great pics!


OK, good to know they can do it - I am considering swapping both cars, but I am concerned a DSE will be a bit slow. Having said that, it'll be a lot more economical than a V8 (even one with LPG!) and better in deep water...hmm...

Any L322 owners want to share some pics?
You should have a look on youtube. There are plenty of vids of P38s offroading. Not sure about l322s but it wouldn't surprise me.

A friend had a brand new D3 and he offroaded that regularly.
did a few lanes around north yorks in mine when I had it. will try to get some pics up later.

only running on pirelli scorpions at the time but still pretty capable :)
My P38 was a very capable off roader. Don't have any exciting pics to show on my computer but believe me it's 100% better than many new market SUVs. haven't tried my RR SC because each ride can cost me 1000 euros!!!. It's shame because it's the best of the best. Thinking of taking a soft ride next week.....

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