Says it all ****wit. Just as I thought. A bunch of idiot ****ers who compensate for having a lack of balls by driving a Chelsea Tractor. Just love to have you say it to my face.

Believe me I got a thicker skin than most. BUT when it's spineless wonders who hide behind the safety of a computer to make a poor attempt at being funny it just ****s things up for people who do actually want a forum with a good reputation.

:rolleyes: maybe if you put your location in your sig you might get somone actually take you up on that offer :rolleyes:

otherwise do a search ffs,and if you dont like the answer dont ask the fecking question in the first place ;)

:rulez: read them before posting there's a good chap :D
Sounds a bit like the tosser who was having a go at MHM a few days ago - maybe came back with a new name - next he'll be saying he was joking and just joining in with the banter etc.
Says it all you handsome beast :). Just as I thought. A bunch of idiot likable ****ers :D who compensate for having a lack of friends by driving a beast of a Chelsea Tractor. Just love to have you spray it on my face. :eek: (Chelsea tractor i like that name) :p

Believe me I got shinnier skin than most. BUT when it's handsome wonders who hide behind the safety of a computer to make a excellent attempt at being funny it just livens things up for people who do actually want a forum with a good reputation.

(Edited) :D
cmon fellas your gonna make him cry soon, he doesnt get it but i suppose he is new.

By the way fella thats a rather harsh generalisation to make about us all just because someone told you to go **** yourself, I for one have very large pair of balls and its these offending balls which actually forced me to buy my landy (3 kids, ever expanding familly - **** spacewagons!) And dont you have a "chelsea tractor" yourself action man balls?

If you really want I could organise a landy meet/ fightclub for you if you PM me with your details, we could have a great day greenlaning, watch a bareknuckle fight, get smashed and generally have a fun day out.

Maybe roll with it a bit more or if you really feel the need go tell cowshed to go **** himself, slagging us all off because your in a paddy isnt really going to help anybody is it?

Oh by the way your MPI is ****e, why not buy a propper one with a full size engine next time:)

And remember: CHILL THE **** OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or **** off.

Hope this helps:)
A forum with a good reputation?? Chelsea tractor??

Are you mentally ill? No'd fit in fine if you were.

Shall I explain that joke?
He may aswell go fit a punto engine 1.2. will give the same amount of power, and will be just as quick with the head gaskets. But in answer to your question. Start with the basics, check the water pump, check the rad, get a snif test done. And lastly bin the underpowerd fart, and drop either a diesel or v8 in it. It can't be doing any wonders to your wallet on fuel with that thing in it
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Me and the boys on my fire crew just been reading this.....I've got grown men here crying with laughter!! Keep it up Slade, your making our night!!
Ha ha ha ha what a ****!
Says it all ****wit. Just as I thought. A bunch of idiot ****ers who compensate for having a lack of balls by driving a Chelsea Tractor. Just love to have you say it to my face.

Believe me I got a thicker skin than most. BUT when it's spineless wonders who hide behind the safety of a computer to make a poor attempt at being funny it just ****s things up for people who do actually want a forum with a good reputation.
Thank you for reading my post,if this is the way you treat forum members who just offer honest,(And accurate advice) then you need to think again about what you actually want to get from your questions.

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