
New Member
Yesterday I decided to look around the site (I'm a newbie) and see what was what. I ventured into the general forum area. Ended up wishing I had not! I try to help people whereever I can,but I was somewhat rediculed for posting in the forum.

I will give it one last goe before I look elsewhere. I have a Land Rover Disco MPI 2litre. I know they are underpowered etc but it sailed through it's mot last week.

However the guy I got it from said that he had set the radiator fan to perminantly run as he thought the head gasket might be leaking. Having said this there is NO mayonaise in the water or oil. Nor does it lose water. It does build up pressure which sometimes comes out of the expansion bottle. Also I have notice there is No Thermostat Fitted. Can anyone offer some advice as to what it could be? Thanks in advance.
You were not ridiculed. You asked 'Is this the correct place for advice' on a post from 2005 and were told, politely, i might add, 'no try the disco section'.

If you consider that being ridiculed then i suggest you have had a very sheltered life thus far!!

From post 28...

In reply to the question about your vehicle, I haven't got a scooby doo..(This is meant in no way to ridicule you or make you feel a bit sad).

do you have an electric or mechanical fan on your MPI?
not having a thermostat is not considered good practice.

I suggest yu get a "sniff test" carried out on the coolant.

oh - and we dont take prisoners on this forum, so I suggest yu get a thick skin pretty quick.
There are many very helpful people on this forum, someone will always have the answer to a problem.

Some new members appear don’t introduce themselves and fail to do a simple search for very silly questions sometimes. They can then get upset at some of the replies they get.

Stick around do some searching and if that don’t produce the answer, then ask saying "I have searched and can anyone help please". Saying thanks afterwards for any help goes a long way as well.

By your description I would say you may well have a problem developing with the head, but I am no expert. May be best to get it looked at before any damage occurs.
Sounds classic symptoms of head or head gasket failure to me. Whip it off and have a look.
There are plenty of ways a head gasket can fail,OR a cooling system fault showing up.I would suggest getting a garage to do an HC sniff test in the coolant expansion tank.This is the most accurate way of diagnosing a fault that means you dont end up removing the head in vain.
Yesterday I decided to look around the site (I'm a newbie) and see what was what. I ventured into the general forum area. Ended up wishing I had not! I try to help people whereever I can,but I was somewhat rediculed for posting in the forum.

I will give it one last goe before I look elsewhere.

.......... toughen up princess!

no place for frail ego's here
People always offer help and I have been aided in many ways.

Sometimes people even tell me where to go when I'm not actually lost.........
LIke they say in the shouldnt have joined if you cant take a joke....kind of applies to discos too,shouldnt have bought one if you cant etc etc.

I know bugger all about MPI engines mate,but the fact that is has had the 'stat taken out says a lot.Like the car wont run with one in.I know on the diesels that you rarely get any oil/water mix when the head gasket goes,so that is no indicator.Come to think of it some volvo petrols were like that too.Some good advice above,I can only repeat it ; do some searches and step lightly,theres people on here who are bloody miracles for advice
People always offer help and I have been aided in many ways.

Sometimes people even tell me where to go when I'm not actually lost.........

Sometimes when the lost ask for help, they won't listen to the one's that do know because there friend said so. There are alot of professional lady mechanics on here. Buster's repair thread is priceless all you have to do is look at the pictures:boink:and you can fix it. Sometimes people just don't get it and :5bbeatdeadhorse5: get the picture :D:D:beer2:
Do you feel better now Slade? A few of us have tried to advise without too much leg pulling!
as ive been told many a time..... Go f*ck yourself you stupid Kunt... :eek:

Says it all ****wit. Just as I thought. A bunch of idiot ****ers who compensate for having a lack of balls by driving a Chelsea Tractor. Just love to have you say it to my face.

Believe me I got a thicker skin than most. BUT when it's spineless wonders who hide behind the safety of a computer to make a poor attempt at being funny it just ****s things up for people who do actually want a forum with a good reputation.
Says it all ****wit. Just as I thought. A bunch of idiot ****ers who compensate for having a lack of balls by driving a Chelsea Tractor. Just love to have you say it to my face.

Believe me I got a thicker skin than most. BUT when it's spineless wonders who hide behind the safety of a computer to make a poor attempt at being funny it just ****s things up for people who do actually want a forum with a good reputation.
Thort ud got a thick skin? :confused:
Says it all ****wit. Just as I thought. A bunch of idiot ****ers who compensate for having a lack of balls by driving a Chelsea Tractor. Just love to have you say it to my face.

Believe me I got a thicker skin than most. BUT when it's spineless wonders who hide behind the safety of a computer to make a poor attempt at being funny it just ****s things up for people who do actually want a forum with a good reputation.

MY MY are we a sensitive type of a she man:mooning::hysterically_laughi
Says it all ****wit. Just as I thought. A bunch of idiot ****ers who compensate for having a lack of balls by driving a Chelsea Tractor. Just love to have you say it to my face.

Believe me I got a thicker skin than most. BUT when it's spineless wonders who hide behind the safety of a computer to make a poor attempt at being funny it just ****s things up for people who do actually want a forum with a good reputation.
oh another "you wouldnt say it to my face" comment. How refreshing. Probbaly would though, you aint that tough.Already got upset on 2 threads, i suspect your a 9 stone bed wetter who lives with his mum still.
That sed fair play for hanging around still.....:boink:

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