Have you ever slept in your Landy?

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Just sorted mine out for a dirty weekend in Wales.

Piccy was taken before I cleared all the crap out of the back..

This is it with the Junk removed :eek:


Mind you me wash basin leaves a lot to be desired.. :(



I have just bought second hand ( sscout group)17closed cell sleeping mats for £5. Gonna double them up. Fit throughout and I have 80m x 60"wide of water repellent fabric you would use for making raincoats. I will glue it and tuck into the edges.

With doc evil making me brackets for my seats so soon the next step will be making the bed on my profile.
Slept in my disco during the day a few weeks ago but it was red hot, that and with leather seats and being 6ft1 it wasn't a nice experience
I'm really tempted to get a 109 instead of my 88 just so i can sleep in it. 88 has been relatively reliable so far though... *touch wood
Went on a weekend off roading in Availles, France and slept in the disco. Minus 11 that night. Me fookin eyes froze shut :) Okay, I exaggerate, they didn't really but it were bleddy cold.
Have resorted to bunking in disco on several scout camps when it either got too wet cold or bloody uncomfy.

Disco is very inviting wit tv/dvd and cooking facilities. Just need to remember the dog guard when going for a **** at 4am! That bastard hurts when you crunch into it half asleep.
8 month thread revival!
yeah since the thread was first started - and I said I havent, but I would - I have kipped in the back of the disco on several occasions, mostly at scout camps. with the back seats folded up, lying diagonally corner to corner its pretty much made to measure. snug and comfy :) plus I have a heater, a horn for when the noisy buggers wont go to sleep, or to wake them in the morning, and I don't get water dripping on me in the morning (because I went around every window and seal with a tube of black silicone the week before) AND I don't have to get cold wet toes if caught short in the morning. Simply jump into the driver's seat and pootle over to the toilet block. whats not to like?
afraid the only sleeping in my disco is when the mrs goes shopping and loses a hour and half.
I can just snooze with seat pushed back, or get into the drivers seat and wind the seat back down a bit....
dont do the drivers one - dont want to feck about winding it up ;)
leave that for doris....
slept accross the front seat of my 90 at billing landrover show from friday till monday and im 6ft2. did try the back on the first night but some clever tosspot locked my i for williams canopy in the middle of the night, so made for fun and games when i woke up all cramped in the morning
afraid the only sleeping in my disco is when the mrs goes shopping and loses a hour and half.
I can just snooze with seat pushed back, or get into the drivers seat and wind the seat back down a bit....
dont do the drivers one - dont want to feck about winding it up ;)
leave that for doris....
:( :( :(
ooops, seems I WAS asleep when posting this..
I can just snooze with seat pushed back, or get into the PASSENGER seat and wind the seat back down a bit....

sorry guys but it was late when I posted...:eek:
slept accross the front seat of my 90 at billing landrover show from friday till monday and im 6ft2. did try the back on the first night but some clever tosspot locked my i for williams canopy in the middle of the night, so made for fun and games when i woke up all cramped in the morning

:lol: Sorry but I just had to laugh. Cant have been very comfy across the front seats mind.
Im just 5'8 and i regularly snooze for half an hour at school run times when i get there early just roll the drivers seat back and catch 40 winks ,i blame it on the diabetes meself ;).
Im just 5'8 and i regularly snooze for half an hour at school run times when i get there early just roll the drivers seat back and catch 40 winks ,i blame it on the diabetes meself ;).

Saddly the diabetes is catching up with me too, I often have to stop for a nap on trips which used to be no problem. I have sleptvin almost every vehicle have owned due to being posted always as far as possible away from where I wanted to be. The only comfortable sleep was in a Bedford cf ambulance I had converted to a camper(how about sleeping stationary on the M6 near Coventry in a snow bound traffic jam).
I'm currently insulating the 110 ready for use as an occasional camper as Norfolk is along way from anywhere.
The Q

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