
Well-Known Member
Just an idea for a diy tracker
Get a cheep and cheerfull android phone (or like mine a working one with a damaged screen) with a few quid credit
download and set up an app called "wheres my droid" its free
put it on silent with a permanent phone charger conected and hide it somewere knowone will find it (in the car)
Then at any time you can text the code word to the hidden phone and it will reply with its gps location and a map of were it is (acurate to about 10 meters)
Then grab a few mates and some tools and go hunting or pass this info to the police
You could even phone the phone (if as me youve set it to auto answer) and listen in to there conversation get an idea of how many of them there is or were there heading
it even has a feature to take pictures and email them to you if you could find somewere to hide it were the camera can see the cabin. Im thinking of relocateing mine to utilise a hole in the dash for this
Just thought id share my idea good or bad?
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True but ive had one took on the key
Barstuards broke into the house and took the tv and xbox and found the spare key then used the rr as a get away car
I personally think this is a great idea. Great thinking. I think you can get a camera for iphones now that have a sim card built in. It works on motion detection and phones you with a live feed as soon as it detects any movement! That wsy you can catch them in the act (even better)
Any form of detection is good and this is a great idea. The only reservation I have is that phone batteries tend to swell up and explode or catch fire, if left on permanent charge. Best if it could be on an ignition feed, otherwise brilliant ;)

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Not if you know where to hide them ;) I've had a great idea of where to mount one but I aint posting details on the open forum for the cnuts to see!
I seem to remember a similar idea for touring caravans don't know if it ever took off thou. ( and yes I do tow a caravan, but if your stuck behind me it's probably cause of some t*t in a Nisan Micra)
Just an idea for a diy tracker
Get a cheep and cheerfull android phone (or like mine a working one with a damaged screen) with a few quid credit
download and set up an app called "wheres my droid" its free
put it on silent with a permanent phone charger conected and hide it somewere knowone will find it (in the car)
Then at any time you can text the code word to the hidden phone and it will reply with its gps location and a map of were it is (acurate to about 10 meters)
Then grab a few mates and some tools and go hunting or pass this info to the police
You could even phone the phone (if as me youve set it to auto answer) and listen in to there conversation get an idea of how many of them there is or were there heading
it even has a feature to take pictures and email them to you if you could find somewere to hide it were the camera can see the cabin. Im thinking of relocateing mine to utilise a hole in the dash for this
Just thought id share my idea good or bad?

I don't want to urinate on your potatoes but people have been doing that for many many years.

they even used to use pre gps phones and use the mobile masts to triangulate and update via wap.

edit: just had a quick check and you can buy new gps sim devices for this purpose for 20-30 quid. you'd probably be best doing that than use an old phone.
good idea if you thought of it decades back though :D
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Any form of detection is good and this is a great idea. The only reservation I have is that phone batteries tend to swell up and explode or catch fire, if left on permanent charge. Best if it could be on an ignition feed, otherwise brilliant ;)


Or if your handy with a soldering iron and some bits of wire you could remove the battery altogether and just power it direct from a +5v supply ;)
Model No.:JAM01/G
This CAR GPS JAMMER is a popular item with sales personnel and delivery drivers, who wish to take lunch or make a personal stop outside of their territory or route "off the radar. Simple to use, just plug into a standard cigarette lighter with 12V for power, and the GPS Jammer will automatically protect you by blocking any GPS tracking on and within your vehicle.

Jammer output power:21dbm
Effective range:10-20 meters
Jamming frequency: GPS(1500MHZ-1600MHZ)
Power:12V(100mA)(just insert car charger to start working)
Working current:100-120mA

This CAR GPS JAMMER is powerful device for your car avoid be tracked by GPS tracking device, just plug it into car charger to start working, it will blocks all GPS signal inside to your car, easy to use like a USB drive. plug in working,take it out to stop. $39.00
these are being used in some areas in yorkshire
Thats ok the muppits round here wont have stuff like that
becides my fag socket dont work lol
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Few years ago I saw a multi signal blocker
It was about the size of a vhs tape had 3 ariels and blocked every thing mobile, 3g, gps, radio etc highly ilegal unless you have a valid reason for it as it blocks police radio! guy payed over £200 for it!
He had it for something to do with corporate banking meetings or some high class bollox ;)
But im betting the average crook dont have access to them
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Few years ago I saw a multi signal blocker
It was about the size of a vhs tape had 3 ariels and blocked every thing mobile, 3g, gps, radio etc highly ilegal unless you have a valid reason for it as it blocks police radio! guy payed over £200 for it!
He had it for something to do with corporate banking meetings or some high class bollox ;)
But im betting the average crook dont have access to them

you want to bet;)

Wholesales GPS Jammer - GPS Jamming - GPS Signal Jammer
Few years ago I saw a multi signal blocker
It was about the size of a vhs tape had 3 ariels and blocked every thing mobile, 3g, gps, radio etc highly ilegal unless you have a valid reason for it as it blocks police radio!

Not illegal to own, but illegal to use in a public place. You can use within the confines of your own property ;)

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