I stand corrected but I still fancy my chances that your average billy no mates scrote aint going robbing cars with them
Considering a great many that are stolen are actually stolen to order unless they are found burnt out down pikey lane they are nicked and scanned by scum who actually know what they are doing.

I work in horses, I know horses, Nigel-s drives a truck he knows trucks, these scum thieve cars they know how to steal them.

The best you can do is to fit as many gadgets and gizmo's as you can to either deter them or catch them.

Personally I found a Disk-Lok works awesome as a deterrent as they stare at it through the windscreen, yeah they can be gotten round but they really do say phuk off, try the next one ;)
True but if my motor not were I left it the first thing im gona do is text the key word for a picture of whos behind the wheel then the gps code then the old bill that way I might be able to tell them were it is and whos driving it
True but if my motor not were I left it the first thing im gona do is text the key word for a picture of whos behind the wheel then the gps code then the old bill that way I might be able to tell them were it is and whos driving it

you know they only respond to 40% of crimes...........
you know they only respond to 40% of crimes...........
best thing is most of the scrotes round hear are well known! it wouldent take 5 minutes to get a name if i put a pic on facebook then if the old bill dont do owt .........
well lets just say when i get hold of them he'd wish the old bill had nicked him :mil10::5breddevil:
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