what do you expect, he's got a freelander ...........

anyways, can someone tell me who makes engine block paint ?
if you made any sense folk might agree with you. you started off with " lets get them big bad boys , the oil companies" then when it was pointed out its actually the goverment that are responable for putting such a large tax on yer fuel, you changed tack and fooked off down that route.
then it was sed that if they took the tax off fuel they would just put it on something else, you failed to respond.
you appear to have this idea in your head that you are paying too much for something but lack the knowledge to know why the price is what it is.
you probably heard on the tv that oil is at a record high so you think oil companies are to blame for the high cost of fuel.
when you fail to come up with any thing constructive to say, you resort to basic name calling as excercised by school kids the world over. thats not the way to get folk on your side.

fact... tax on fuel is above the 50% mark

fact... oil companies do not put the tax on fuel

fact.... if the goverment didn't tax fuel they would have to raise the money by taxing other goods

fact .. folk don't like paying taxes

fact.. folk like the benefits taxes bring

fact.. you're sprouting bollocks and lack the comprehension to realise this

fact...you need a clear and well thought out way to reduce taxes overall, because if it just tax on fuel you're wasting your time

fact .. you don't have the above

fact.. you probably come out with some tripe about how i'm thick and you're not

fact ...you'll have got it the wrong way round

now let see yer facts to back up yer fantasy

listen fool

the north sea like every oil field in the world is broken up into grids, each grid is made up of individual blocks 1a-1b.........1888x etc, try and keep up now, an oil company comes along and explores a sector or area of blocks for oil, the find it then they buy the blocks for a ridiculous amount of money from the government, following me? then they produce the oil, they sell the oil on paying tax, then it gets resold and resold paying tax everytime, then it ends up on the garage forecourts where its taxed again, all in all the goverment like you say make more money than everyone else put together, if everyone with the choice and a backbone, you excluded, stopped buying from the big companies ie the exploration companies, then they would slow down there production as they cant sell the stuff, who looses out the most? you got it genius the government, therefore they have to drop the tax on it as without doing so there precious asset remains in the ground, and instead of taking a small hit on a percentage they have no entitlement to in the first place the money slows to a trickle, it doesnt take a genius to realise what they will be forced to do,

the fact is with our assets we should be up there with the very richest countries in the world, anmd were not because, we pay the highest taxes for everything, where does our taxes go? a waste of space royal family, immigrants, and benifits, if you add up the 3 alone, i will bet you my house that paying for these will account for well over half of our taxes, and the 3 of them should be stopped, if the country had more strenght it would, instead were diluted with sheep like you, anything else you would like me to teach you smart arse?
Hallo people on the other side of the world. You don't know what expensive is. Us here in South Africa are paying R7.66 for a liter of diesel and R7.85 for Petrol, as if this isn't bad enough just multiply that with 14 and you get what we are paying for it in pounds.

Are you sure? It's three years since I was in SA but I can't believe you are paying £107.24p for a litre.
If you've got the decimal point wrong, whats your point? I paid 107.9 pence last night, I've seen it for more but driven past them!
So your saying every economics degree course in this country is teaching a complete load of bollocks?

So your saying every economics degree course in this country is teaching a complete load of bollocks?



i couldnt even tell you whats they teach you for an economics degree, and to be honest i dont care, the fact is everything ive told you is correct, and if they are teaching you at uni or wherever that the poor old government needs to tax us so much and they have no choice in the matter, then you just have to ask yourself whos on all the boards that decide what you should be taught what to think, thats right the government, they control everything that we do, what we pay, what we earn, and im amazed to see so many people just going through life like robots doing exactly what theyre told, and how to act,
your heading the same way as lard arse with you're wittering. you havn't taught me anything as you can only swap subjects to suit your feeble attempts to look smarter than you really are. i've yet to see you bring a point of view to its conclusion without going back to your lines about sheep and the mistaken belief you have that others as thicker than you.
I really doubt many are thicker than you put your self across as. even DK had the ability to look brighter than you do.

look **** off and get some facts and arguments that make sense and lead on from what you started. at the moment few if any of you posts continue on from the previous. all you are doing is trying to put others down with inane wittering.

it wasn't all that long ago you said you where done talking to me and yet here you are, still at it.

by the way incase you've forgot your original idea was this.....

now this email states a very good case, we the buyer control the market, not them the seller, something is only worth what someone else will pay for it, i stopped using shell, bp, texaco, years ago, as did a lot of people i know, but they dont care about losing a few customers as the rest of you more than make up for it, so if everyone in the country stopped using these garages, even just the big 2 bp and shell, they have to drop there prices which they will or go out of business, there are plenty of other garages out there, asds, morrissons, tesco etc, the beauty is , when they drop there prices then so do the others, they have to, and it gets even better, we have a limit that we will pay, say 70p a litre any garage that goes above that loses our custom then they have to drop the prices again, we cant lose, please for the sake of everyone, lets stick together on this one eh..
which has no mention of thegoverment and its taxes. so much for "mr i'm brighter than you lot"
Sorry in the delay responding guys but I was just trying to pick meself up off the floor........ow me sides hurt.:D :D :D
Accy you coulda let the bugger live to make a crap point another day. Wos slob gonna do now?....Poor buggers gonna get withdrawl symptoms without someone to argue with.

If I remember rightly..... Before and during the last fuel protest derv was cheaper than petrol. After the blockades petrol went down by 2p a litre and derv went up to approx 2p a litre more than petrol. Why? so yer everyday motorist running on petrol thought it had worked and yer goods vehicles who use more fuel pay the extra as punishment and to make up lost revenue.

Slob is right. The government will always rob us one way or another.

Before anyone starts wanting to vote em out remember this.....

'ere why's the plan always to side with the supermarket with their crappy imported fuel? ****e idea anyhoo!

paying lots for fuel isnt great but i like the fact that people in this country dont tend to burn churches full of women and children after rigged elections, there enough food going round, and most people have enough money to buy a car and have enough spare time winge about it. nowt comes for free nowaday's....
ap...app.....sorry Accy....I doubted yer integrity. In my last post on this matter I blamed you fer banning said 'plank'. I now know this to be wrong and will write my 100 lines appropriately.

' I must not blame accy for everyone that gets banned. I must not blame accy for everyone that gets banned......'
there wont be anyone left soon at this rate:(

wtf did he do - except be a complete plank? did i miss summat?
there wont be anyone left soon at this rate

wanna be next. lol. I hear they are after volunteers......lol

I rekon LZ must advertise on google or summit....

"Wanted arseholes. no previous experience needed but must be willing to **** off others and the have ability to learn new put downs. Sticking to your point is an advantage but not essential cos you can change yer arguement every 2 seconds. apply here......"
michty me
trust me tae miss all the fun, sounds like youz lads had a richt carry on the day, typical, an awfy lot o bitchin goes on in this room by the looks o things eh?

Aye it's all those neutered bitches from ORRP popping in and whining, they got all mifffed when I upset bungalow bill, the ugliest landy owner I ever saw in my life. Jeez how he can take the **** out of other people I'll never know. Talk about genetically inbred mutations he's like something out of the hills have eyes.
Aye it's all those neutered bitches from ORRP popping in and whining, they got all mifffed when I upset bungalow bill, the ugliest landy owner I ever saw in my life. Jeez how he can take the **** out of other people I'll never know. Talk about genetically inbred mutations he's like something out of the hills have eyes.

maybe the poor boy got stuck in mud, couldnie find any branches so put his face under the tyre and got someone to drive over his heid to come free, bet u feel pretty bad noo eh? :)
Aye it's all those neutered bitches from ORRP popping in and whining, they got all mifffed when I upset bungalow bill, the ugliest landy owner I ever saw in my life. Jeez how he can take the **** out of other people I'll never know. Talk about genetically inbred mutations he's like something out of the hills have eyes.

goin off his user name i recon its the sexy one

Ooooooh! he's soooo butch :p

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