maybe the poor boy got stuck in mud, couldnie find any branches so put his face under the tyre and got someone to drive over his heid to come free, bet u feel pretty bad noo eh? :)

If he hasn't done that already. It's definately something to consider, anything would have to be an improvement.
cant be arsed to read all this thread but diesel is 109.9 round my mannor.It aint gonna change and i woulkd really like everything i pay for to be cheaper but it aint so there.Move on
Ey worrabout toothpicks then eh, int they expensive I'm gonna stop buying em on every third monday in the month that'll show em.
up until now i thought you were a pretty switched on guy, ive read a few of your posts, but i guess your not as clever as you think you are, that statement you made just made you out to be a halfwit, not to mention contradicting yourself, the fact is, were not talking about anything but fuel prices here, but ill enter into your silly argument here, if just to make you realise i am right and you are wrong

if by some miracle, you managed to build a car empire with your obviously limited intelligence, like say ferrari, if everyone in the world decided your cars were too expensive and they werent going to buy another one unless they came down in price, what are you going to do but drop your prices, seel them to yourself? no! the buyer dictates the price we pay not the seller, ferrari know like bentley, and porsche that, as long as people have more money than they can spend they will buy these cars, thats why they are so dear, but if everyone did stop buying ferraris, the prices would drop, either that or they go bust, then we end up with ferraris being just any other car as they lose the prestige as they drop in price

you go and have a think about the lesson youve just learned and think before you speak next time, hows that for an answer?

you know its people like you that think you know it all but infact know very little that allow the rest of us to be put in these kind of positions in the first place, rather than use what intelligence you have for the good of everyone, you would rather argue and try to win an argument your not capable of

think if you knew slob at all you would find he is actually quite an intellectual individual who does his upmost best to come across as someone like yourself who isnt. think about it!;) son.

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