reet mr intelligent.. if the cost of yer fuel is a quid a litre and out of that quid around 70pence is tax, who would you be better targetting? the oil companies or the goverment?

your right

the reason fuel is so dear is because of the tax imposed on it, but what can we do? the only way to hit the government directly is to stop using our cars, no road tax, no fuel tax, no speeding fines, no vat on parts, but cars are our way of life, we cant stop using them, its not possible, they know it, so they have us over a barrel, but we can still stand up for ourselves, and unless someone comes up with a better idea, i honestly believe this is the best way forward, even if we use the imported fuel from other countries then so be it
hang on, if you wait till the weekend i'll get my seven year to take over the sensible side of this discussion
Hallo people on the other side of the world. You don't know what expensive is. Us here in South Africa are paying R7.66 for a liter of diesel and R7.85 for Petrol, as if this isn't bad enough just multiply that with 14 and you get what we are paying for it in pounds.

same as here
here, digest this then go and stop buying from the goverment in an attempt to get them to lower the taxes they impose on yer fuel.
price of diesel near my house is now 106.9p petrol 102.9p per litre quote]
My local garage is now 5p per litre more expensive than that and even the supermarkets round here are more expensive than that. Even if we all wanted to join in with your daft idea we can't all just stop buying fuel. We'd lose our jobs, be unable to feed the kids or pay the mortgage etc and then the price of fuel wouldn't matter so we still wouldn't agree:eek:
ya stop buying fuel, the gov starts ta lose revenue, so they put up taxes elsewhere. ya cant win mate, you pay yr taxes and then ya die....plain an simple
wot edjurmacating a fellow LZ'er int worthwhile?

ah think he's beginning to see that its not the oil companies but the gov that is responsable fer the high cost. a few more posts and he'll be apologising fer calling us all fick in his furst few posts. then hopfully he'll go back to reading books with big letters and lots of pichures
you know what your problem is

your all too busy trying to pick holes in this point than to go out and do something about it, HUGHSEY read back, ive already said im well aware that it cant work for everyone, and who mentions stopping buying fuel? no one, SIRUS its never going to come to that, ever, they all know they can do as they please when they please as the majority in this country are spineless, i dread to think what would have happened if there was a hitler on the go today, wed all be speaking german in no time, the vast majority of the people here should be ashamed of themselves for letting this country become what it is today, and just accept things because were told to, far too many sheep and not enough people out there that want to make things better, they, like you just want to leave it to someone else, its pathetic
wot edjurmacating a fellow LZ'er int worthwhile?

ah think he's beginning to see that its not the oil companies but the gov that is responsable fer the high cost. a few more posts and he'll be apologising fer calling us all fick in his furst few posts. then hopfully he'll go back to reading books with big letters and lots of pichures

listen halfwit

im done talking to you, just for a minute there you were actualy making a bit of sense, and i could see your point, however like i said, you have ideas well above your station, and obviously dont have the intelligence to hold up your end of the argument, you are obviously not clever enough to understand my points, so you keep paying through the nose, do nothing and leave it to everyone else to sort it out, just like you want, and when its all over and done, you reap the benifits, and then you can tell everyone how you helped you fellow motorists and countrymen against the big bad government, and how we couldnt have done it without you,

Fookinell, someone needs to borrow the family braincell.

On a side note, the Shell station in Leeds on the way down from Sheepscar to the Headrow is one of THE cheapest fuel stops in Yorkshire. Cheaper than Morrisons, Tesco, and Sainsburys, and the same price as Tesco's on Bradford Ring Road. In your own words, explain...
listen halfwit

im done talking to you, just for a minute there you were actualy making a bit of sense, and i could see your point, however like i said, you have ideas well above your station, and obviously dont have the intelligence to hold up your end of the argument, you are obviously not clever enough to understand my points, so you keep paying through the nose, do nothing and leave it to everyone else to sort it out, just like you want, and when its all over and done, you reap the benifits, and then you can tell everyone how you helped you fellow motorists and countrymen against the big bad government, and how we couldnt have done it without you,


the arsehole

if you made any sense folk might agree with you. you started off with " lets get them big bad boys , the oil companies" then when it was pointed out its actually the goverment that are responable for putting such a large tax on yer fuel, you changed tack and fooked off down that route.
then it was sed that if they took the tax off fuel they would just put it on something else, you failed to respond.
you appear to have this idea in your head that you are paying too much for something but lack the knowledge to know why the price is what it is.
you probably heard on the tv that oil is at a record high so you think oil companies are to blame for the high cost of fuel.
when you fail to come up with any thing constructive to say, you resort to basic name calling as excercised by school kids the world over. thats not the way to get folk on your side.

fact... tax on fuel is above the 50% mark

fact... oil companies do not put the tax on fuel

fact.... if the goverment didn't tax fuel they would have to raise the money by taxing other goods

fact .. folk don't like paying taxes

fact.. folk like the benefits taxes bring

fact.. you're sprouting bollocks and lack the comprehension to realise this need a clear and well thought out way to reduce taxes overall, because if it just tax on fuel you're wasting your time

fact .. you don't have the above

fact.. you probably come out with some tripe about how i'm thick and you're not

fact'll have got it the wrong way round

now let see yer facts to back up yer fantasy

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