
New Member
i dont know if there has been anything similar on here before, but i would like to share an email with you i recieved a long time ago on this subject, the price of diesel near my house is now 106.9p petrol 102.9p per litre, not so long ago we had prices hit £1 and there was mayhem, protests, fuel blockades, and what happened? the prices fell, what happened this time? nothing, people moan and do nothing, thats the £1 barrier broken now whats the next barrier £2? you better believe it, they know the mental barrier is broken now, we are the dearest lace in the world for fuel, and most other things, because we do nothing

now this email states a very good case, we the buyer control the market, not them the seller, something is only worth what someone else will pay for it, i stopped using shell, bp, texaco, years ago, as did a lot of people i know, but they dont care about losing a few customers as the rest of you more than make up for it, so if everyone in the country stopped using these garages, even just the big 2 bp and shell, they have to drop there prices which they will or go out of business, there are plenty of other garages out there, asds, morrissons, tesco etc, the beauty is , when they drop there prices then so do the others, they have to, and it gets even better, we have a limit that we will pay, say 70p a litre any garage that goes above that loses our custom then they have to drop the prices again, we cant lose, please for the sake of everyone, lets stick together on this one eh?

by the way, if any of you have had problems with your cars and use morrisons diesel, its contaminated, they know about it and will do nothing about it as it will cost too much to put right, so in the meantime, theres cars breaking down, and in the garage all over the uk, sound familiar?
sirus, were you born an arshole?

you know what? just you do what all the others do you little sheep, ur not even as good as a follower, u prick

Why thank you....this has been going around for a bout the past 50 years and nothing ever happens....;)
Just to add my tuppence, who the fc-uk makes supermarket fuel? Ever been to the Asda refinery in Killingholme? Din't think so...
Just to add my tuppence, who the fc-uk makes supermarket fuel? Ever been to the Asda refinery in Killingholme? Din't think so...

for your information idiot, my job is to take the oil out of the ground, i know where it goes and who runs the show, bp supplies the majority of fuel we buy in scotland most probably the uk, wether its from there garages or others, as for most supermarket fuel, its mostly brought across from abroad because us idiots will pay the most for it, other countries dont stand for it, next time you want to add your tuppenceworth, dont overestimate your intelligence, and underestimate that of who you are arguing with ok son
i think its a grand idea, can we also apply it to range rover sports and ferrari enso's. if none of us buy any they will be forced to drop the price. and then if we all stop buying food the price of that will come down aswell. fook it lets not buy anything that way everything will end up being free.
i think its a grand idea, can we also apply it to range rover sports and ferrari enso's. if none of us buy any they will be forced to drop the price. and then if we all stop buying food the price of that will come down aswell. fook it lets not buy anything that way everything will end up being free.

up until now i thought you were a pretty switched on guy, ive read a few of your posts, but i guess your not as clever as you think you are, that statement you made just made you out to be a halfwit, not to mention contradicting yourself, the fact is, were not talking about anything but fuel prices here, but ill enter into your silly argument here, if just to make you realise i am right and you are wrong

if by some miracle, you managed to build a car empire with your obviously limited intelligence, like say ferrari, if everyone in the world decided your cars were too expensive and they werent going to buy another one unless they came down in price, what are you going to do but drop your prices, seel them to yourself? no! the buyer dictates the price we pay not the seller, ferrari know like bentley, and porsche that, as long as people have more money than they can spend they will buy these cars, thats why they are so dear, but if everyone did stop buying ferraris, the prices would drop, either that or they go bust, then we end up with ferraris being just any other car as they lose the prestige as they drop in price

you go and have a think about the lesson youve just learned and think before you speak next time, hows that for an answer?

you know its people like you that think you know it all but infact know very little that allow the rest of us to be put in these kind of positions in the first place, rather than use what intelligence you have for the good of everyone, you would rather argue and try to win an argument your not capable of
Troll daily...

Someone needs to borry the LZ book of insults fer a bit methinks, and as fer me having no intelligence, you have no idea who I am and what my background is. So just remember that when trying to sprout a load of bollocks.
Troll daily...

Someone needs to borry the LZ book of insults fer a bit methinks, and as fer me having no intelligence, you have no idea who I am and what my background is. So just remember that when trying to sprout a load of bollocks.

am i missing something here or did you come in on the wrong argument? maybe your slobs alter ego? :)
oooo, we are in a humpy mood today. if you was as bright as you think you are you'd realise that you idea is a bit flawed.
people will buy their fuel at the most convenient place not always the cheapest place. If there is a choice of expensive or cheap just around the corner folk will go around the corner but theyt int gonna drive half way around town to save a few pennies.
DO you drive off the motorway to go looking for cheap fuel? Do you know of anyone that does?
some folk that have their fuel paid for by their work will not give a toss how expensive it is.
This bollocks has bin going on for ages ' with the lets not buy fuel on a tuesday to your unworkable idea of not to buy from shell or bp.
if you continue with your idea that everyone that doesn't agree with you is some what lacking in grey matter, you are gonna lose that last little bit of credibility that you have.

fuel prices are dictated by not you nor I not anyone else on here, if your so clever you'd know that if every car driver in the UK stopped buying fuel from shell and bp it would only be a fraction of a percent of their overall profit. So you are wasting your time unless you can get everyone in the whole world not to buy from them.
now lets say that you did manage to get every on ein the world to stop buying from bp and shell. what do you think their reaction would be?

drop prices or stop supplying tescos and the like?

take yer head out yer arse, wake up and have a serious think about your next response.
What about those in rural areas who have no choice where they buy fuel.
Our receptionist drives 5 miles to work, uses her car for little else, so every now and then has to make a special journey in the opposite direction just to get fuel.
oooo, we are in a humpy mood today. if you was as bright as you think you are you'd realise that you idea is a bit flawed.
people will buy their fuel at the most convenient place not always the cheapest place. If there is a choice of expensive or cheap just around the corner folk will go around the corner but theyt int gonna drive half way around town to save a few pennies.
DO you drive off the motorway to go looking for cheap fuel? Do you know of anyone that does?
some folk that have their fuel paid for by their work will not give a toss how expensive it is.
This bollocks has bin going on for ages ' with the lets not buy fuel on a tuesday to your unworkable idea of not to buy from shell or bp.
if you continue with your idea that everyone that doesn't agree with you is some what lacking in grey matter, you are gonna lose that last little bit of credibility that you have.

fuel prices are dictated by not you nor I not anyone else on here, if your so clever you'd know that if every car driver in the UK stopped buying fuel from shell and bp it would only be a fraction of a percent of their overall profit. So you are wasting your time unless you can get everyone in the whole world not to buy from them.
now lets say that you did manage to get every on ein the world to stop buying from bp and shell. what do you think their reaction would be?

drop prices or stop supplying tescos and the like?

take yer head out yer arse, wake up and have a serious think about your next response.

again with missing the point!

look we both know that a lot of the ideas have been a waste of time, lets not buy petrol on the weekend, so well get extra on a friday, the garages laugh and rub there hands, lets get in our lorries and drive up the motorway in protest, for that well need diesel, the garages rub there hands, a waste of time

i fill my cars to the brim everytime, and when they are about half empty i fill them up again, i dont use anymore diesel than the next man that puts in £5 a day, just round from his house as you rightly point out, it costs me about £40 to refill my tank by doing this i never need to fill up on the motorways or where i dont want to, instead of filling up every day or 2, people can get there fuel at there covenience, and so it can work, surely you cant argue the point that, if the overwhelming majority of motorists were to stand together for once, then they would have no choice but to lower the prices across the board

its the easiest thing in the world to do, and if for once we stood together and stopped making it easy to target motorists they would maybe stop trying to fleece us at every turn?
What about those in rural areas who have no choice where they buy fuel.
Our receptionist drives 5 miles to work, uses her car for little else, so every now and then has to make a special journey in the opposite direction just to get fuel.

i know its not possible for everyone dave

what im saying is the people that do have a choice, if we stood together, we can make it better for everyone, slob mentioned that a lot of people get there fuel paid by account cards with there work so they dont care, thats fine, but what about there partners, sons, daughters, if it cant be avoided then so be it, but everyone that has that choice can and would make a difference, i dont stay in a big city, but i have done countless miles over the years, and not once have i used the big garages, i know not everyone can do it, but those who could should, dont you agree?
who puts a fiver a day into their car?? you're inventing things to suport yer flawed argument. whereas thefacts are you int gonna beat them. lets say your idea about everyone standing together gets them to drop their prices. how long do you think it will take them to raise them again?
how many times do you think folk will stand together before they realise that the need for oil outweighs the need to save a few pennies.
i know its not possible for everyone dave

what im saying is the people that do have a choice, if we stood together, we can make it better for everyone, slob mentioned that a lot of people get there fuel paid by account cards with there work so they dont care, thats fine, but what about there partners, sons, daughters, if it cant be avoided then so be it, but everyone that has that choice can and would make a difference, i dont stay in a big city, but i have done countless miles over the years, and not once have i used the big garages, i know not everyone can do it, but those who could should, dont you agree?

yer missing the fact that its only a small fraction of a percent of the overall profit, so they dunt care if you buy elsewhere. even if every car driver in europe was to do it it would still only amount to 1 or 2% at most
reet mr intelligent.. if the cost of yer fuel is a quid a litre and out of that quid around 70pence is tax, who would you be better targetting? the oil companies or the goverment?
Hallo people on the other side of the world. You don't know what expensive is. Us here in South Africa are paying R7.66 for a liter of diesel and R7.85 for Petrol, as if this isn't bad enough just multiply that with 14 and you get what we are paying for it in pounds.
who puts a fiver a day into their car?? you're inventing things to suport yer flawed argument. whereas thefacts are you int gonna beat them. lets say your idea about everyone standing together gets them to drop their prices. how long do you think it will take them to raise them again?
how many times do you think folk will stand together before they realise that the need for oil outweighs the need to save a few pennies.

its not a few pennies though is it? its an absolute fortune, if they knew we would stand together they wouldnt dare raise the prices to ridiculous levels again, but they know that we wont because nobody ever sticks together anymore, and theres far too much negativity towards everything, we are the only country in the world that puts up with the **** that we do, its a disgrace, but what good does a few people venting there frustrations do? absolutely nothing

and as for my argument, i know its not airtight, i never said it was, of course there are people that cant get fuel from anywhere but these garages due to being isolated, or there company fuel cards, but thats all the more reason why those of us that have that choice should make a stand for the benifit of everyone, be honest, how difficult is it for you to fill up your car once a week at, asda, or tesco, or somewhere similar?

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