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200tdi ayre

Well-Known Member
just wondering what it would cost me to put my disco on the road insured by me and any quotes that people my age have no mods atm :p
Top Gear did a test a few months ago, pretending to be youngsters trying to get insurance on small cars and found that it was almost totally unrealistic for them to insure themselves. They found the best option was for them to be named drivers on parents policies which allowed them to build up no claims discounts.
My lad got some quotes a while back they wanted 2500 quid to insure him on a 200tdi disco with me a a named driver. Only 5 times the value of the ****in vehicle. He ended up with a fiat punto which only cost 1200 quid to ensure. Bloody bargain.
It's a numbers game really, play around with the online quotes and see how you can tweak the data you give to provide the best results but without actually lying. For example rewording your jobtitle from something like binman to waste managment supervisor could yield a saving of £30 or more. Adding a friend/family member with a clean licence and many years of driving experience could save you £100 or more.
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so a window cleaner is a vision technician? ffs
its going to be pretty expensive, Im 21 with 3 years NCB and im paying £853 TPFT which is the cheapest I could find mate
When I asked NFU about permanently adding my 18 year old (with one years NCB also with NFU) to my TD5 policy the sharp intake of breath from their end could have pulled the 'phone from my hand! Nothing doing, with 2 years they'd CONSIDER it.
When I was living at home my parents had a few old Range Rovers and Landy's over hte years - they couldn't get us insured on them until we were 25 - and they tried loads of places. Things have relaxed a little now but I think you'll be lucky if you find anywhere at all that will take that risk for a realistic price.
Probably would be cheaper to move to New Zealand. £600 for a flight and once you're there you can legally drive without any insurance at all. Petrol is 1/3 of what we pay here too!
Problem is, Disco is a highish insurance group (12).

Better off with a series 3 (Ins group 2) :)

Would give Footman James a ring though - S3 Petrol 17 yr old £750 ;) Boydy - £750 on a 110 when he was 17.
Lancaster Direct might be able to help - they gave me a good price on my old Rangey. I was 21, no no claims, 3 points on license, 1 non-fault accident. It was a 3.5 efi 1987 Classic. Only cost me £305 a year with them - cheaper than the 900cc Seat MArbella I was using at the time (was costing me £450 from Admiral!)!
I pay 730 quid TPFT with Footman James for a Defender 90 2.5 NA and the price wont change when i put in a tdi engine.Its on a classic vehicle policy and i get discount for being a member of a LR Club.So i was rather chuffed with that quote after getting silly ones off comparison sites.
Try swinton or the post office both have always been cheapest for me.
thanks guys uv helped alot the best quote i got was 1500 with my mother as a name driver but also got a pergot 306 that will cost less to insure. anyone got any ideas if i can go on my dads motor traders policy for social and commuting, my mother is on but dont know if i can get on it ?
Lancaster Direct might be able to help - they gave me a good price on my old Rangey. I was 21, no no claims, 3 points on license, 1 non-fault accident. It was a 3.5 efi 1987 Classic. Only cost me £305 a year with them - cheaper than the 900cc Seat MArbella I was using at the time (was costing me £450 from Admiral!)!

How many decades ago was this?

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