Or a nissan cashquai or however you spell it.
Landrovers are meant to be untilitarian square boxes, even the pretty city ones which only go to tescos. Disco 3 is a great example, new design but still very square, practical and traditional, but with rounded corners to make it look modern. I think it would be wrong to stray too much from that shape else it'll end up looking like some horrible jap car.
Just cause when new most discos and rr's dont get taken seriously off road cause theyre so expensive, 10 - 15 years down the line on the second hand market, once the price has fallen they do get used as serious offroaders and in my opinion this is what maintains landrovers reputation as the best 4x4xfar. What ever you design must be very offroad capable cause even if it doesnt get pushed to the limit on the day it leaves the showroom it will a few years down the line.
Here's some improvments you could make to the D5
- Dont change the appearence tooo much from the D4 but please please please lose the bling! The front grill should be functional yet classy like on the rangerovers of a couple of years ago. The front grille on the D4 makes it looks like a drug dealers car, theres no need for it, looks terrible, please please get rid of it!
- Galvanising. For the small amount of money it would cost LR, galvanising the chassis and any other major steel components would be a godsend for the customer. Thats the biggest argument the jap car owners have against landys that they rust away and its not a difficult problem to solve to its about time something was done about it. Its not like LR would lose money from doing this as no one goes back to them for rust repairs or a new chassis. its all work done long after the warrenty has expired by independant garages.
- ECU placement - modern car without an ecu probs not gonna happen, but please locate your ecu sensibly. Putting it in with the engine is too low as its gonna get splashed when wading and ultimately end up with an expensive repair and breaking down in a pudde. If you can, make space inside to mount the ecu somewhere high and dry, maybe in the roof above the driver.
- Try to design with repairs in mind. Its all very well putting something together from scratch in the factory but think of the poor sod who has to replace that part right at the bottom of that inaccessible area when it breaks a few years later. Theres many examples of this but just a recent one for me was replacing the gearbox reverse switch. There was no realistic way of getting to it without removing the gearbox from the car. I ended up having to remove the carpets and cut an access hole in the floor. I think a little more attention to detail like that would win you a lot of fans.
-Difflock - Disco 5 should come with the ability to lock all 3 diffs, not just the centre as has been the way thus far. It is rediculous to spend so much money on a 4x4 and then have to spend out a few more grand with a 3rd party company to add full difflocking capibility.
Thats all I can think of for now but should give you something to work with.
As for the envirohippys - ****'em