
New Member
Finally I started to rebuild my Disco. Rusting like hell. Previous owner had brilliant idea. Holes in sills? No problem, just fill them with PUR foam and forget. Holes in arches? Cover them by aluminum sheet. I wanted to save my Disco "for next generation", so I started to rebuild.

P.S.: Excuse my poor English.:cool:

Entire gallery at
Land Rover.DavidFiala.cz

Interior disassemble


Rusted places







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Plenty there to keep you busy! :D

How you found the buckshots? Imnpretty much decided on them as my tyre purchase but still like to hear folks veiws
Plenty there to keep you busy! :D

How you found the buckshots? Imnpretty much decided on them as my tyre purchase but still like to hear folks veiws
I like them. Good in mud, but still good at road. Slightly worse than BFs M/T KM2, but better price. It is almost impossible to puncture them, really durable indeed, even at low pressure.
I must admit when I see chequer plate I think "hmm, what's that hiding?".
You're making good progress there. It can be a bit difficult to see the wood for the trees when tackling a major resto. Just take it in stages and mentally tick things off so you don't feel like it's never going to end.

Stick at it!
top job there pal. done the same with a friends 200 and my 300. Your not wrong about it keeping you busy lol.
Keep it going, even if there is no response it's a good resource for people like me who like pic heavy threads to help out fixing the tim worm in mine.

Looks a really thorough job
It's that good a thread I'm wondering if you want to do mine when you've finished yours ... ;)

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