
Active Member
No doubt this post will just add to the 100s of similar other posts of this nature. Anyway, bought my 94 Disco about 6 weeks ago and have been tinkering with it ever since. I knew it needed a little welding on the chassis and the wheel arches need doing. However I lifted up (stupidly :eek:) the boot floor today and found this:

I also think the sills need repairing. Now I know the majority of this can be fixed, but roughly how much for everything?. I have been searching round getting individual prices but is there anywhere where I can buy the whole lot in one transaction?

Or.....should I just scrap it? which I dont want to do but depends how much all the repair panels are going to cost.

If I repair it is there a best order in which to do it, such as wheel arches first, as I dont say want to replace the boot floor, then have to remove it to do the wheel arches etc
It all depends, and it has gone round and round in my mind too!

It looks like someone has had a go at yours in the past. The red oxide primer on the boot floor and the stonechip on the door frame arch.

Mine was/is in much the same (lack of) condition and I am about a third of the way through welding it. Front inner wings, sills and rear wheel arches side panels and boot floor, both sides. I haven't looked too hard at the rear cross member but I am presuming that will need doing. Given the value of a disco 1 then I don't think it's worth paying someone to do it from a financial point of view, you would never see your money back. However I look at it from the point of view that a disco 1 with a rebuilt body is going to be be cheap on parts and easy for me to keep going as a basic comfy tractor! So I am reckoning on mine being a keeper.

If I just wanted to drive one as an everyday car I would go for a disco 2 with all of its quietness, road holding, creature comforts, drive ability and lack of rust.

I have been amazed how quickly some of the forum members are to do their rebuilds, so you may find someone to take it on who is fast. I have been so prissy with mine trying to prevent future rot that it has taken me ages. My paint layers have taken longer to dry than some of the complete strip repair and rebuilds!

My commiserations but also sympathy for your situation!

someone has had a go at that before n painted the red oxide over it.. It doesnt look too bad. Mine was loads worse. If you got the time do it yourself. I would get all the bits done for the mot to start with. That rust by the seat belt will fail you.. Its all pretty easy stuff to do, it just takes time..
Im going to get some box section to do the sills and looking at patch repairs for the arches as the rest of the arch looks fine on the inside but the outsides need replacing. The red oxide would suggest it has been done before yes. I am just going to be pricing everything up tonight so if anybody knows of the best place to look then all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the advice so far though :)
You might want to remove the dickie seats and side trim to inspect the inner quater panels for more rust. If it was me I would fix it. It's not a hard job, just finished mine well kinda finished.
You might want to remove the dickie seats and side trim to inspect the inner quater panels for more rust. If it was me I would fix it. It's not a hard job, just finished mine well kinda finished.

Yea im going to totally strip the back end out then see where im at. Shouldnt be too much hard work (hopefully)
Yea im going to totally strip the back end out then see where im at. Shouldnt be too much hard work (hopefully)

As said it's not hard just takes forever. Well mine did lol.
I did not weld the floor back in, I bonded it because I feel a lot of the recurring rust issues is people welding the floor to the straps and being unable to seat the weld below because of the tank.
Done a quick patch to cover the holes. Should do the trick until I get round to fixing it properly

I sealed all mine up with flashband a few years back, worked a treat for ages until i ripped a quarter panel off by accident and couldn't bring myself to put it back together without repairing th rust

3 month job that turned into!
Well I have stripped out the boot to survey the damage and to be honest I dont think its looking too bad. One wheel arch has a lovely huge hole in it, nothing that a patch wont fix



I also noticed 5 wires on the nearside that are connected to nothing but there is a further one that is earthed and another connected to the lights. Any ideas?





Yeah if they're scotched into the lamp wiring

My advice, remove it all, buy the proper loom that plugs in to the plug that is lurking on the drivers side under the lamp and plug it in accordingly

Much tidier solution and easily removeable if not in use :)

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