
i recently decided to change the kickdown cable on my discovery as it was about nakered not changing up properly or kicking down, so i went ahead took the sump off, removed the valve body etc, removed the cable and replaced, all spot on, but now when you select "D" or any gear except "p" it just drived forward, no reverse,had it in and out twice and still no joy :mad:
did you check the new cable is the same as the old one (proper lenght ) also im not too sure how the D1 are set up but the selector and the leaver on the box must be in the same position ( both in Park )and then tighten up everything.
did you check the new cable is the same as the old one (proper lenght ) also im not too sure how the D1 are set up but the selector and the leaver on the box must be in the same position ( both in Park )and then tighten up everything.
cable is the same, and i may look into the position of the linkage but i am learning that the valve body if not alligned exactly where it was the gearbox will not work
when you refit valve block you have to get slot on valve lined with selector,valve is loose and has no detents and ensure k/d cam pushes against end of k/d valve,not so easy upside down
when you refit valve block you have to get slot on valve lined with selector,valve is loose and has no detents and ensure k/d cam pushes against end of k/d valve,not so easy upside down

I seen that valve mext to the k/d lever type thing, its not very obvious of how it goes, you wouldent happen to have a pic by any chance, long shot I know lol
its clearly visible with filter removed and locates over spigot on selector quadrant

ok I will have a look tommorow when I take it off again, there is a rod that comes out of the valve body that goes to the kick down cable, I guess its next to this?
kick down valve is on box side of valve block and sits against the cam with cable seletor valve is on underside and slotted head locates on selector cam spigot on outer side of kick down cam
kick down valve is on box side of valve block and sits against the cam with cable seletor valve is on underside and slotted head locates on selector cam spigot on outer side of kick down cam

ok,mate think i understand it, im going to do it tonite and see how I get on if not I will post a pic up, thanks for your help
Re: discovery automatic kick down cable
i wont change the kickdown cable i can not get in to get the cabe off in the auto box i remove sump can you one help ?

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