What exactly is a cleco pin. Also where did you get the coppper lines from, and do they seem ok?

Cleco's are a reusable temporary sheet metal fixing. Great for holding 2 pieces of metal together where you can't get normal welding clamps to. They do come in several sizes. For the size I have you drill a 3mm hole through both work pieces and use the special pliers insert the sprung loaded pin through the holes and then release and the spring hold the two bits together.

This You Tube video shows how they work. THIS is the set I have.

The copper pipe I bought as a 25ft roll at Newbury and made them up myself. First time making brake pipes but they seem okay. Will know for sure when I fit the new pads and try to bleed the system
This ####ing disco is going to end up better than new!

Rob, you're work is so neat I feel you need a thorough commendation!! :D
This ####ing disco is going to end up better than new!

Rob, you're work is so neat I feel you need a thorough commendation!! :D

Cheers Sam, appreciate the comments fella especially as your thread was one of the ones that inspired me to give this a go

I does feel like I am making progress and the welding is getting better. Which considering I had never welded before starting this I quite an achievement too :D

Practice makes perfect by the time your welded your way through a rusty disco :p

You can see my work improve as you inspect the car front to rear :D
Time to finish off the cross member replacement
Each end looked like this

But the kit comes with two of these bits to finish off the job properly

Time to drill a few hole for plug welding

Holes cleaned up

Plug welded and dressed back

Quick coat of zinc primer

Also had to rebuild the bottom of the door pillar

Repair finished

Finished off with giving the whole floor a coat of red oxide and put some seam sealer on the joints

Next job is to give the underside of the boot floor a coat of underseal and them get the fuel tank and tank guard back in
Final update for the weekend…..
With the welding finished on the passenger side and the cross member I thought it was time to get some paint on it
Took the front wing, door and rear quarter back off and gave it all another coat of primer.

Followed by a couple of coats of black to neaten everything up.

And then having treated the underside of the boot floor it was time to get the fuel tank back in and refit the tank guard (very heavy!!)

Feels like I am making real progress now .
Thought it might be cool to post a couple of before/after comparisons to summarise where I have got to and to keep me motivated to continue
Front wing

Rear cross member

Rear quarter and sill

hi just joined the site today and found the work you have done is great and the info very helpful inspired me to do mine keep up the good work
hi just joined the site today and found the work you have done is great and the info very helpful inspired me to do mine keep up the good work

Thanks mate, that's what this site is all about. I read several posts by others detailing their work and it inspired me to give it a go too and to share how I did it.

Now you need to:

1. Get yourself along to the introductions section and post a bit about you and your motor. Don't forget a pic too:welcome2:

2. Enter your location in your profile so we know where you are

3. Make a start on your motor and posts details
Great stuff! Love these rebuild threads, lots of graft but looking great, be proud mate really nice job, this will be so rewarding, last many years :crazy_driver::5bhurray:

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