
New Member
Ever since i attempted to install aftermarket cd player my interior light stopped working properly... ...instead of coming "on" when doors are opened it "flashes" abour 5 times then stays off. after the engine is started and if the door is open it comes on, it even "dims off" when the door is closed. !!!!! i have checked the fuses for the door etc, but no luck. any suggestions would be appreciated. rang the tech guys at the only dealership in Auckland and they had never heard of such a thing in 20 odd years or land rover repair!!!! HELP!!!! ...at night it's a pain, the inside of the car lights up like a bimin disco!!!
Lots of aftermarket head units dim with the dashboard lights when you turn your lights on.
Have you used an adapting loom? or has the head unit plugged straight in.
It's possible that the auto-antenna wire from you head unit is connected to the dash/interior lights, so when you power on/off your head unit it's powering the lights or at least sending a signal.
Stab in the dark really, good luck :)
thanks for that, i took out factory head unit - had a fiddle then put it back in again in disgust ! no auto electriction would touch it !!! left it in but it still flashes, thought i may have blown a fuse?? have checked them though!!!

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