
New Member
Hi All,

I have a Disco IIs 2004.

When I park up with the suspension in normal height, the suspension drops to low. It takes less time to drop now than a week ago.
If I park up with suspension in raised (elevated) position the suspension stays up.

There seems to be no abnormal action from the compressor running overtime.
When engaging raised position all works fine and if I manuaually lower the suspension or let auto take over at around 40km/h all seems to work fine.

I suspect a sensor not working properly but am not sure.

Any suggestions would be greatly apprciated

The Cold weather "usually" high lights a leaking airbag as the rubber the bag is made off goes "harder / stiffer" and its ability to sometimes "self seal" a small leak no longer works, so it drops over night.

When its raised up, it may not drop because the leak is stretched and I dont know how (but it happens often) it dont drop when set that high.

If you have a leak one side, then they "can" squat towards that side, BUT some people report it squats both sides (as mine did) this is because as the leaking side lowers, the vehicle "tries" to level itself up and drops the "good side" to.

My advice would be replace the airbags sooner rather than later as a leak can "Overwork" the compressor when its trying to "keep" up.

It is not always the bags, the valve block can cause similar issues, but leaking airsprings is the most likely cause.

The rear airsprings imo should be treated as service items and replaced irrespective if they leak or not about every 5 years max.
Thanks for the advice.
I will investigate further and let you know for future reference what I come up with.

Cheers Urban Panzer
After lots of investigation I have finally found the problem. The left hand rear bag has now got a leak that is not intermittent.

I am desparate to find an after market self leveling airspring supplier in australia who is not a thief. The prices for original here are breathtaking.

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Give a thought to buying them in UK and getting them Posted to you. I think Paddocks or Devon 4x4 ship worldwide. I did it and it cost me 10 pounds for shipping. Failing that get a mate in UK to buy them and post them on.

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