
Large Member!
Did anyone see the Disco 3 on Top Gear??
I was well impressed and Jeremy seemed to be too..
yeh i watched it, twice now it was on last night again. Its very impressive they may of moved away from the original idea of landrover but at least its still **** hot off road where i matters!! I only wish i could off had a drive in one at the launch rather than them being tucked up in a warm clean tent!!!
also we will have to attempt that mountain when Roy returns just for the sheer hell of it and to prove anything a disco can do a defender can do better haha. it'll make for some good photos for the site too
Or better still, a group of vintage Land Rovers could ascent the mountain. Propper tyres, winches, and strong tow ropes, and Bob's your uncle! Wouldn't it look good at the summit, a bunch of Series 1s, 2s, 2as, and maybe even 3s?

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