
New Member

New here so "Hello" everyone.

Does anyone know if you can convert a Disco 3 Commercial into a normal Disco please? I currently run a Disco 2 that is regsitered as a van but is basically a normal Disco, i.e. has a back seat, electric windows etc.

I maybe getting a Disco 3 as a replacement through work but it will be a Commercial. I have been told that the 3 is not so easy to make into a normal vehicle with seats etc.

Does anyone know or even better changed one themselves please?

Looking forward to gettinga 3 but not much use if I cannot put the kids in the back really!


My first question would be whether you need to drive your van into Greater London (inside the M25). If yes, do a Google for Low Emmission Zone. Boris has, I think, delayed this, but it still might happen.

Can you afford to gamble on £200 a day?


Thanks for replying. The LEZ is not really an issue for me, would pay up front anyway if need be. The main thing is the fact it will be registered as a van still anyway. It is a bit of a company car tax dodge.
I drove a discovery 3 commercial and as far as I could see all it had was a false floor thing in the back and the back doors windows blanked out but it still had all the window switches and rear air vents in there, so i should think it would still have all the seat mounts. but wouldn't it be easier, and probably cheaper in the long run, just to buy a normal discovery 3 and register it as a company pool car? as it would no longer be a van if you put rear seats in (as obviously you would tell the dvla about the extra seats, and would inform the insurance company, especially if you carry your kids in there)

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