
Hi all. I don't often post on here but when I do you've come to my rescue.
Hope you can all help me out again.

My key fob button broke today so couldn't unlock my 1999 Disco with the remote. Tried the key in the lock and opened the door to a screaming alarm, keys in the ignition and she wouldn't start. Quickly locked the car back up with the key to silence the alarm. Made a few phonecalls and got told to just pop the back off the key fob, remove innards and press the little micro switch. So I popped the back off the fob, innards fell out hit the floor and dislodged the battery. Put battery back in and now I'm stuck. The fob won't work at all and I can't get in my car without a screaming alarm. I don't have an EKA code but will attempt to get one Monday from the main dealer. Is there a generic EKA code by any chance and do any of you have any good ideas?
Many thanks
:eek: Not many ideas possible...another lesson for all D2 owners to not rely on only one fob... lets hope the previous owner didnt modify the EKA for it's own cos then you can start searching for a replacement BCU, i hope you put the battery back the right way not the other way around... take a paperclip, be handy and try to bridge the unlock microswitch on the pcb with it ...if your fob is ruined for good you'll be able to start it only using EKA all the time untill you synk a new fob or disable the immobiliser with tester.... no tricks are working like ''generic'' EKA or things like that dont even try
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Hi discoja,I had a similar problem a couple of months ago when my fob packed up,got the eka from www.mgrovercodes.com as I was on holiday in the lake district at the time, think it cost £20, took about 30 minutes to get it but it worked!!!
Battery replaced today to no avail. Will go to the main dealer tomorrow to get an EKA code. Do we know if there is a cost for this and if so how much?
It has been know for a main dealer to charge for the information u require, if you don't have a relationship with them why not?
That EKA code thing must be the same all over the world and that's FOC... there is a relationship between any of us and LR main dealer: the fact that we own a LR :)
Those switches tend to fail, used in many keyfobs, also check with a scanner that it is broadcsting.

D2 fobs are pretty hardy compared to say a Corsa one (same switches), but can still go wrong.
That EKA code thing must be the same all over the world and that's FOC... there is a relationship between any of us and LR main dealer: the fact that we own a LR :)

Relationship in you are known, and having spent money with them ie. vehicle servicing.

In the UK a LR dealer is a franchise, therefore not owned by LR so being private can charge for non percific enquireries and work involved, although they may treat it possibly as FOC work.

It's not something u have in your part of the world maybe.
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I will keep you posted after tomorrow's visit to gain the EKA code. After that I'm not to sure. Although we do have a key specialist fairly local who provides replacement keys/fobs and programmes them to the car apparently. Hoping it doesn't come to that. But as the fob and innards are totally defunct I feel I may have no other choice. £££
No joy with the paperclip. Will try reimobilising with EKA code (if that's what you mean by you need to reimobilising it first)
I will also confirm with key specialist prior to having them commenced any work. If I can at least get my car started it would be good. Hoping that's what the EKA code will allow. Then it's just a case of new fob and programming. I will look about first for that business your link seems pretty good. Although, its the fob i need programming not the key i believe. Thank you.
i said ''remobilise" ;) , which means it has to be unlocked with EKA otherwise any new key is worthless cos you can't communicate with the BCU to sync the fob while it's immobilised and you need another unlocked BCU
Happy happy happy.
Got EKA code over the phone from main dealer. Input and awaited lotted time. Opened car door and started the car. All good switched car off and left unlocked. Went back to the car half an hour later opened the door but the car wouldn't start. Had to reinput EKA code. Is this normal?
Yes, normal untill you get to a tester and disable passive immobiliser or synk a working fob you'll have to insert EKA each time you want to start it if it stood more than 5 minutes, told you in post #2
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Thank you Sierra ferry.
Now have a synced working fob that if I hold very close around the rear window will lock and unlock the vehicle. Obviously a range issue now. But at least I can get in the car and start it.
Maybe you need a new roof receiver too, that's not very expensive, but better get a second fob to be on the safe side

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