will do, was hoping cleaning the looms would have solved the problem, but must be some thing else, when cleaning these looms would you take out the injector loom and clean the injector ends as well, i not done that end???
will do, was hoping cleaning the looms would have solved the problem, but must be some thing else, when cleaning these looms would you take out the injector loom and clean the injector ends as well, i not done that end???

what did you clean the injector loom with???
Wynn's professional electrical contact cleaner, bought from local autospares, says on the can its safe for ECU's
Just been out listening to the fuel pump again, you can here it running for about 30-40 seconds and when it stops you can here what i can only describe as fuel trickling back into the tank, is this normal???
Well guys its up and running, cleaned the injector loom and still not starting, so decided to tackle the fuel filter and pump, fuel filter looked clean and new, the pump was working but fuel flow was slow so took it out and found what can only be described as the monster from the black lagoon taking residence within the pump and filters so give it a good clean with petrol and put it back together, after purging and priming the system about 7-8 times it burst into life, took it for a run and the extra power is unbelievable.

Thanks for all the pointers from everyone on here including all the posts read about non starters.

I have got some pics but unsure how to load them up on here??
Good news mate, it's quite common for the pump to get clogged up wi gunge, at least now you know the symptoms, don't be surprised if you have to clean the pump again, think its the additives in the diesel that cause it.
If by the monster from the black lagoon, you mean something akin to slimy black snot then it sounds like diesel bug. You'll need to treat it and don't be surprised if you get through a few filters in the process.
If by the monster from the black lagoon, you mean something akin to slimy black snot then it sounds like diesel bug. You'll need to treat it and don't be surprised if you get through a few filters in the process.

According to the marine diesel users (rich guys with boats) diesel bug can be treated with "Soltron" fuel additive.

No idea where to get it nor how much it costs. You could try a boat chandler, marina or a web based supplier. The boat guys do reckon it can be expensive but not as expensive as the damage the bug can do.
Already looking into the "DIESEL BUG" theory, i go away in 2 weeks with the caravan, as soon as i get back its tank off, drain, clean out with some petrol, filter the fuel and then replace with the additive to make sure its all gone, just need to keep the tank above 1/4 untill i get round to doing it, will keep you all informed and will upload some pics as soon as i can.
Gald i read this post. Mine cut out around christmas time, stoped just like yours. Managed to put more fuel in due to the light ready to come on. I then manage to prime the system if it eventully fired up. Since then ive kept it over 3 quarters full. Thinking this could be my problem cars only on 85k also.

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