
Active Member
My diff lock is seized on my disco can get high and low but can't get it over to diff lock, person I bought it from had it from new and never used diff lock does anyone have a guide to stripping and unseizing it please
Luckily you can do it all without taking the gearbox or transfer box off. You need to remove the centre console and the top plate off the box below the lever. Once you get the mechanism off take it into the workshop and simply free it off and lubricate it. Then put it all back together. The biggest pain is putting all those pop rivets back in!
Best of luck.:)
luckily i have the body off the chassis at minute as doing a full rebuild and alot of welding so space isnt an issue, was just worried about taking mechanisim off and bits going everywhere:)
luckily i have the body off the chassis at minute as doing a full rebuild and alot of welding so space isnt an issue, was just worried about taking mechanisim off and bits going everywhere:)
If you are in this position then just work clean, slow and careful. It really isn't difficult. It's not as if you are taking a Swiss watch mechanism apart! I am confident you will quickly see which bits are jammed with dry grease/dirt and lack of use.
i can see roughly where its seized i think was just wondering if anyone else had like a walk through of what to do basically i have started a thread in the members project section with pictures and descriptions the joy of lock down and being furloughed is i can crack on with everything
i can see roughly where its seized i think was just wondering if anyone else had like a walk through of what to do basically i have started a thread in the members project section with pictures and descriptions the joy of lock down and being furloughed is i can crack on with everything
I did mine long before I joined LZ and never took any pics or anything, if I had I'd put them up. but if you search on tinternet I expect you'll find it somewhere.
yh i probably could just thought i would ask on here first as there is some pretty knowledgeable people on here thanks for the answer @Stanleysteamer
And there may well be one buried in here somewhere, but it's been going so long, and there is so much stuff on here, I honestly find it is quicker to do a very precise search on Google, which then often bats you back in here, but sometimes to AULRO and other sites which are good, but not quite as good! The search feature on LZ obviously doen't have the power of Google, not LZ's fault!
Yep, fair amount of the freeing off liquor of your desire combined with the aforementioned bashing is normally what is needed, but patience and accuracy of bashes is all it will take.
At least all it costs is the liquor, time, energy and about 20 pop rivets.
Have a nosy on the tube of U for a guy in Canada - "Brittanic Restorations" - He has done loads of videos on things like this - including some really good step by step guides for the various maladies of the LT230....

Here's a taste of his abilities


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