
Well-Known Member
A couple of people have reported thieves removing steering wheel disc locks by bending the back part.
There are a couple of types available. Are we talking about the grey "Disklok" (which just cost me over £100) as l don't know how this could br done on one of these, l tried a 12" pair of stillsons and achieved nothing, plus of course there's no room to use a long bar. And the steering wheel sits too deep in the unit to insert/use a pry bar.

I guess nothing is invincible but l do think a disc lock is a good deterrent anyway.

They peeled a genuine disklok off of my steering wheel when it went. You can see pictures of the damage to the wheel they caused in a thread below.

When I was beating it back into shape to refit the metal took some shifting but it is definitely doable.

Yeah. Unfortunately it is parked in an industrial area. They cut the gate off with a petrol stihl saw so they seemed to go more big and loud than sneaky sneaky. By the indentations in the disklok it looked like a decent sized screwdriver. I suppose once they have the door open a disklok spins on the wheel probably 300 degrees so you can just keep rotating and prying the back off out of the door opening.

The best bet is to weld more steel on to the back and make it so it fits in one position. Whenever I park the Landy I always leave it at full lock with the disklok on hoping that it would prevent them anyone from dragging it away. The fact that they spent as much time trying to remove the Disklok as they did proves that it is in their interests to remove it if they can. I am thinking about adding steel at right angle to the wheel to surround the steering column. I am going to mock it up in timber and then get it fabricated in stainless and attached to the lock by one of the fabricators near us that owe a favour.
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the determined tea-leaf will have it, whatever it is.
But a good deterrent will stop most of them
I park under a streetlight in front of several houses, one or two occupied by nosey parkers.
the determined tea-leaf will have it, whatever it is.
But a good deterrent will stop most of them
I park under a streetlight in front of several houses, one or two occupied by nosey parkers.

Chain it to the lamppost
An alarm is a great deterrent and also a mechanical visible deterrent like a shotgun in your bedroom window!!

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