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A bloke who paints bits in a shed and now its his new job (evidently he used be a co-owner in a body shop) I know his wife a bit walking the dogs and as hes just had the sack again i thought it would help us both . Well in short he/we agreed to etch prime and then paint the roof + rear door in matt , then he says satin is best , and then back to matt ?? , So eventually after messing me about for 2 days not touching it , I went at 4pm not touched and decided to take it home , i started putting the rear door on just as he returned saying im starting it now , Anyway i didn't take it fool me , and he painted my rear door in matt and it looked a mess , patchy tiger striped , then he goes on it would be much better in 2K GLOSS, argghh , I storm off saying do whatever im sick of it , he even masked over a sticker , i said you need to take that off (as agreed prior to starting ). eventually he rings saying its done , What a mess loads of runs and where the sticker was its very visible , i pointed it out and he replies yes it needs sanding back priming and re-painting WTF , But hes harping on how great it looks what a shine (don't forget i wanted matt) and etch priming which never happened .
So i said we need to talk money and he had the cheek to ask for more than agreed . After pointing out the problems again , ie the runs , no dents filled etc , i said it needs to be less not more and we need to work out a fair price with which he flips says forget it , i say no i need to pay something , No !! i will give it to your wife then , No forget it just get your van off my drive and i will contact my solicitor . Fine i say and off i go . Sorry this is bit long winded but where do i stand .
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Do you have a picture of your vehicle before hand and the requirements needed. When you ask him what is required doing, did you stipulate the paint wanted. Verbal contract or written you expect a job done to your satisfaction. Take pictures of the current state if a small claims action is involved here. Has he offered to rectify the sub-standard result. If you feel his work is not good and possible ruin the vehicle looks if he try to rectifies as you would have no confidence, then offer him his labour fee only.
I would document what happened with what you wanted what you got and what was said with pics with his response and send him a signed for copy in the post and with your offer of payment if it still stands and if it does go that far then you have a reply for his solicitors letter if one comes showing you being very reasonable
Thanks everyone , i feel a little better about it all . I have pictures before and after , text messages as to what i wanted , etc . I can live with it , but i will have to sand and buff the runs out . You cant see them if you stand back a bit LOL , He did fix some of the issues i pointed out , but not all and ive not actually stood on a ladder and checked the roof properly , must do tomorrow , im a bit apprehensive . Where the sticker was i will put another sticker the same size , i was going to but in yellow to stand out , not black as the other , But i cant get my head round why he masked it up , And say when i pointed it out (O' yes) it needs sanding back , priming and re-painting ???? , why not just do it and hold his hand out for money . I do feel a bit bad about it , especially for his wife as they must need the money , . And as i say i can live with gloss not matt once ive sanded + buffed the runs out . But still has the odd dent or two which will need sorting , well everything will need sorting properly at some point , But for now i will just live with it , especially as i don't know if hes actually daft enough to waste money on a solicitor .
I recon its all the 2K fumes he has inhaled . Thinking about it i never noticed a mask ? his gun was there , certainly not air fed , Also not to be vindictive but for the sake of children , i may report him for pumping out fumes as its only a big extractor fan in a lean to car port / shed thingy , and a shed at the back same setup .
That's a point Tax man would keep him busy for a bit . Hes advertised on Facebook i see . Evidently the chap he was with latterly his partner , But anyway working away together in a small unit , and one day he just said i'm not doing this anymore walked out and went off plastering , but hes not a plasterer . And this other chap picked up the pieces and now has a huge body shop with staff and doing very nice thank'you sir . The more i hear the more i believe hes a right idiot . He must be 55+ so not a kid . Anyhow I've Still not heard anything so carry on regardless i'm not fretting about it anymore . At best i was thinking of giving his wife £50 , although the more i think about it the more reluctant i am to give anything as who knows if the paint will start peeling off in 6 months . And certainly not letting him have it back play with and make a bigger mess . Best put down to experience and move on . Bright side is its a 1996 DEF and not a 2016 , .

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